14 - Heartless

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Regina and Amy had magicked themselves and David and Mary Margaret to the lake where Mother Superior's magic had shown that the sapling was nearby.

"Look, there," Mary Margaret said as she pointed ahead.

"That's where the beacon hit. Come on," David said and the four of them started walking quickly.

"Hey, you know where we are?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Yeah, where you found me during the curse when I wandered out of the hospital. Where you saved me," David said.

She chuckled softly, "What are the chances?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Think it's a sign?" David asked her.

She sighed, "I think... I don't know what to believe anymore. Except that it's good to be on an adventure with you again," Mary Margaret said.

"It's always good," David said.

"Hey, lovebirds. Found something," Amy said and made an axe appear in her hand in a cloud of smoke.

 Found something," Amy said and made an axe appear in her hand in a cloud of smoke

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Amy hit the ground revealing a metal door, "Here," Amy said,

David removed some of the dirt to the side to show them the door, "It's a trap door," David said and opened the door.

"You ready?" Regina asked.

"Always," Mary Margaret said as she took hold of David's hand.

"Hang on," Regina and Amy said and held hands then used their magic together and made them all poof down into the trap door.

Meanwhile, at Regina's vault, Alana and Neal were packing stuff up in Regina's vault that would be used against them when the Evil Queen is inside.

"What is adder's fork?" Neal asked.

"It's Snake's Tongue, there was some of that in the thing Emma had to drink to find Aladdin," Alana told him.

Neal looked at her, "And she kissed Regina with that mouth?" Neal questioned.

Alana chuckled, "Anyway, let's get these up to my car before the new tenant comes," Alana said and before she could pick up a box, her hand began to shake.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, hang on, hand," Neal walked to her and took hold of her hand, "Look at me, look at me," Alana looked up at him, "You're worried about your parents and that's making this worse, but they're gonna be alright. They're gonna find that magic little baby tree thing and defeat the Evil Queen," Neal said.

"They're gonna find that magic little baby tree thing?" Alana repeated.

"Yeah, that's right," Neal said.

"You're the Dark One's son, and you called it a thing?" Alana said.

"That I did... Your parents will find it and everything will work out," Neal said.

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