12 - Dark Waters

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On the Nautilus with Killian, Neal, Calla and Henry, "Why did they grab us?" Neal asked.

"I'm afraid I have history with the Captain of this vessel," Killian said.

"Why doesn't that surprise us? None of this would've happened if you just did what my mom and aunt asked," Henry said.

"Sorry, lad, but I couldn't give up the one thing that could save them or my family," Killian said.

"Sorry, bud... I can't lose your mother again," Neal said.

"When were you two gonna use them on them? Were you two even gonna ask before you did?" Henry asked as he kept Calla beside him.

"We don't know!" Neal said before he sighed.

"Being the Saviours and High Enchantress is who they are. My mom and aunt being the Saviours is what brought us together," Henry said.

"I wasn't trying to take that away from you, Henry," Killian said.

"Why do you even care? You're not even a part of this family," Henry said angrily.

"Henry!" Neal said shocked at his words.

"It doesn't matter. We're just gonna end up fish food on the ocean floor soon, anyway," Henry said.

"We've gotten out of tougher scrapes than this. Remember the W-Walking Prisoner gag you and your dad did?" Killian said.

"The what?" Calla said confused.

"Wookie. Wookie Prisoner gag," Neal corrected him.

"W-Wookiee? What's a Wookie? It doesn't make any sense," Killian said.

"It's from... Never mind. And that doesn't count. Alternate universe," Henry said as he took a seat on a couch.

"Henry..." Calla walked over and sat beside him, "Do you not like daddy?" Calla asked.

"He's wanting to take away your power... Your destiny... Same with your mother," Henry said.

"Sometimes bad things happen... High Enchantresses have to deal with it," Calla said with a shrug and a small smile.

Killian and Neal watched them seeing that neither of them was willing to help them, "Well, we'll just have to come up with a plan on our own. Trust me. This Captain is one fellow you don't want to meet," Killian said.


Nemo, Captain Hook and the rest of the Nautilus crew wore diver suits that were heavy and difficult to walk in.

"Bloody hell," Captain Hook said as he removed his helmet and panted.

"These are dangerous waters, stay close, don't step off the path," Nemo said to them.

Captain Hook looked at him, "What exactly are we after?" He asked.

"You'll see soon enough, it's up ahead," Nemo said as he looked at a map and began walked up the path.

"You heard the Captain, stay close," The First Mate said as he followed his captain.

Captain Hook walked after the First Mate, "Do you really believe everything the old man says?" Captain Hook asked.

"You should listen to him, you might learn something," The First Mate said.

"I think the pressure's getting to all of you," Captain Hook said to him.

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