"Wait so You two aren't dating but your upset that he kissed another girl"? Dixie asked and I nodded, realizing how stupid that sounded. 

"Understandable girl, but tell Chase how you feel. I'm sure he'll understand". 

"Dixie I don't know what if he just laughs or something". I shrug. 

"Just try and talk it out with him. Chase is a really good listener". 

"Oh yeah do you know anything about his ex Nessa"? I ask and Dixies face drops. 

"Uh...I don't really know. I never got to much into their business". 

She looks like she's hiding something but I don't question it. 

As soon as class starts I look over to see Chase, scrolling through his phone. 

He notices me looking at him for a moment and then he turns away. 

The rest of the class thankfully goes smoothly until the end when I walk out the door. 

I feel a  tap on the shoulder and see no one other then Chase. 

"What"? I ask. 

"Why so rude? I wanted to say hi. I saw you staring at me earlier so I thought I'd break the ice". 

"Break the ice? What ice Chase? You were the one avoiding me and kissing other people". I blurt and mentally take it back because I didn't mean to add the last part. 

He laughs. 

"First of all I thought what we did over thanksgiving was a one time thing. Secondly I can kind of kiss whoever because we're not really a couple. You understand that right"?

I hold back my tears and say something I never knew my mouth would say. 

"Fuck you". 

He looks at me with almost a look of hurt. 

I walk away and go straight to my dorm hoping that Charlotte was there. 

Luckily as soon as I walked in she was there. 

"Hey Charlotte what's the sexiest dress you have"? 

"Um Let me see". She says, getting up and walking over to the closet. 

"How about this"? She asks, holding up a red dress that was not only strapless but it was short and showed lots of cleavage. 

"Perfect". I smirk. 

She gives me a questioning look as I smile to myself. 

"What time's the party"? 

"We're leaving at 9:00". 

"Ok". I say, getting ready for the events coming forward. 

Luckily Saturday comes really quickly and I'm getting ready along with Charlotte. Tonight the plan was to show looking extremely hot and try and make Chase jealous. 

"how do I look"? I ask, doing a 360 spin in the dress. 

"Gorgeous babes". Charlotte says, smiling. 

I never thought I'd be this close to Charlotte but turns out she's not that bad. You just have to get to know her. 

"Ready"? I ask and she nods, grabbing her things. 

Once we get there it's packed along with multiple drinks on the lawn and everything you would see at a college party. 

Charlotte and I walk in, immediately going to the group. 

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