Chapter 27: Fancy for the Day

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"And if you so how manage to be unprofessional which would likely happen..."

"Then Dolly and I will be your servants for a whole year." This made eyes widen.

"Bro your not serious." She detested before Charlie waved his hand in front of her.

"But if I win you must serve Dolly for a whole year for whatever she wants no matter how much you want to say no to."

Clarissa pondered the thought, having two servants one of them being Dolly and the other a human sounds like a nice idea especially what she can do to Dolly.


"You gotta bet, I'll see you at seven sharp.

"I'll see you there."

"Good luck with that." Clarissa said as she got down and headed inside along with her small posse.

"Do you have any idea what your doing?" Dolly asked.

"Oh don't worry Dolly, how hard can it be to be fancy."


"I have no idea on how to be fancy." Charlie sighed as he slumped on the couch.

"Oh come on Charlie you have to figure out something." Dylan said

"Yeah I've tried to be fancy once." Dolly shivered, "Hated it completely."

"Well there's gotta be a way I can learn to be fancy." Charlie stated as he petted Da-Vinci, "I don't know guys maybe this whole thing was stupid."

"Hey you, yes you sitting there on the couch all sad like. Do you want to live the rich life? You tired of being a simple peasant?"

"Hey, this is for me!" Charlie said as he jumped from the couch and scooted closer to the TV.

"Well call us, Fancy R' Us, we at Fancy R' Us are dedicated to helping you with becoming the walk of the walk, the talk of the talk, and the man you dreamed of being."

"This must be a sign!"

"Call us at (phone number censored by the author and network) that's (phone number censored by the author and network) call now."

Charlie quickly pulled out his phone and typed in the phone number. After a couple minutes of ringing someone picked up.

"Hello? Is this Fancy R' Us?" He asked which  the the voice on the other end squeaked in response, "Well how soon can you arrive?..." Before he could them the street address the door bell rang, "Huh... How convenient." He said as he hanged up the phone and hurried over and opened the door, outside was a man in a tuxedo a fine point mustache and a monigual.

"Hello sir, I'm Charlie." He put out his hand only for the rich man to take out a handkerchief and lightly move his hand with just his pointer finger and thumb.

"Charmed." He said before shoving the handkerchief back into his coat pocket and pursued into the house inspecting it firmly, all the dogs were curious of this strange man but immediately did not like him cause of his lengthy posture.

"Such a mess of a house you have... so you want to be fancy by tonight." He asked very displeased at Charlie.

"That's the idea sir."

"Hmph." The rich man grunt in disapproval, Well then let's get started."

"Alright time get fancy, cue fancy montage." Charlie said before being wacked on the head by the rich man.

"Wrong." He cleared his throat, "I'll start the montage." He said pulling out a large record player and started turning the turn table.

All throughout the day the rich man, and Charlie train to become fancy man... in very crude ways one way was Charlie had to remember what the different silverware was and when he picked the wrong one his hand would be slapped with a leather strap it was a brutal training for Charlie.

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