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Juliet was in the green house when she felt it, the pain in her body

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Juliet was in the green house when she felt it, the pain in her body. The burning feeling in her veins and throat, begging herself to scream. Juliet squeezed her eyes, hands tightening as the inside of her body felt as though it was set on fire. She cried out violently as her body hit the floor harshly, the cracking of her bones echoing. It lasted ten minutes before Juliet could seize the potion in her pocket and down it, numbing herself enjoy to at least breath and get to her feet.


Juliet sprinted down the hallway of Hogwarts, shoving people along the way. Running was the last thing she should be doing in such a weak, fragile state.

"Harry!" Juliet said as she ran into the hospital wing, "What happened? What can I do?"

"He's okay." Harry spoke quickly as Juliet sat down by Ron, looking down at his sleeping figure, "He's only sleeping, a bit weak."

Juliet stroked his red hair softly as she gave a small smile, he looked so much younger while he slept. So much more at peace, she'd missed letting him sleep next to her, "How'd this even happen?"

"Poisoned love potions." Harry said as Juliet frowned, looking back down at her ex lover, "Whats happened to your neck?"

He took notice of the skin on her neck starting to peel, like it was shedding. Juliet pulled her sweater up better as she stared at Ron, "Poor baby, I bet he was so scared."

"He won't remember, Slughorn said anyways." Hermione said as she walked over, setting the cup of pumpkin juice down, "I'd brought you one if I knew you'd be here, I thought you had your OWL makeups?"

"I did but this was more important." Juliet said honestly, her hand laying on Ron's face before removing it, "I should leave, he won't want me here when he wakes up."

"Reckon he will." Harry corrected her.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry. Using a bezoar." Dumbledore complimented the Potter boy as he, Snape, Slughorn, and Professor Mcgonagall joined them in the hospital wing, "You must be very proud of your student, Horse."

"Ah, yes. Very proud." Slughorn nodded guilty like. Juliet eyed him slightly, sipping the pumpkin juice that was meant for Ron.

"I think we agree. Potters actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessarily?" Mcgonagall asked as she looked over toward Professor Slughorn.

"Yes, indeed." Juliet agreed as she butted in, looking over at the potions professor, "Riddle me that, Professor."

"This appears to be a gift, Horace." Dumbledore said as he looked at the bottle Professor Slughorn held, "You don't remember who gave you this bottle? Which, by the way, possesses remarkable subtle hints of licorice and cherry when not polluted with poison."

"Actually, i'd attended to give it as a gift myself." Slughorn nodded his head.

"To whom?" Dumbledore questioned. Ron moved slightly under Juliets touch, her hand pulling away from his skin so he'd stay asleep.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓| Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now