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"Juliet, do you have any clue what a horrible idea this is?" Theo's lecture had gone on for multiple minute now, following Juliet through Hogwarts and toward the Quidditch field

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"Juliet, do you have any clue what a horrible idea this is?" Theo's lecture had gone on for multiple minute now, following Juliet through Hogwarts and toward the Quidditch field.

"From all the fifty times you've said it I think I have a pretty good idea." Juliet replied back with a eye roll, fixing her gloves as Cedrics old broom was tucked under her arm. Amos gave it to her this summer when she took a visit, reminding her how the pair rode on it for the first time and fell into the lake.

"I'm with Theo, Quidditch isn't even fun, it's disgusting and sweaty." Pansy added in as she walked close behind Juliet, hoping to also talk some sense into her but saw she was failing, "Blaise, are you gonna let her do this?"

"What is the deal with everyone thinking they can tell me what to do all of a sudden?" Juliet asked with a sarcastic laugh, tugging on the Quidditch jersey slightly.

"She'll get a taste of it out there, come crying back to us." Draco mocked as Juliet rolled her eyes at his words, "Slytherin doesn't have any girls on our team for that exact reason, too emotional."

"Shut up Malfoy, no one asked for your opinion." Juliet snapped at him as he came up by her side with a knowing expression, "That's probably exactly why Slytherin doesn't win."

"Ohh, burn." Blaise laughed at his cousins words, getting a glare from Draco as he cleared his throat, "She's gonna do great."

"She's gonna kill herself." Pansy corrected him as the doors swung open, the Quidditch field in view now as Juliet inhaled the morning scent with a grin.

"Well, if I kill myself at least i'll know I left quite a impression on you lot." Juliet mocked as her long legs took her over toward the field, seeing the team all lined up, Summerby standing before everyone. Juliet scanned the dull bleachers, seeing a few people she hadn't recognized chatting with their friends.

Hermione gave her a worried smile as Ron bounced his leg anxiously next to her, Harry talking him down. Ginny and Neville weren't too far behind them, keeping their eyes on Juliet as well. Luna sat alone with a pair of odd glasses and hand made earring, waving to Juliet as the girl returned it.

"Most of you were here last year, only this year you'll be forced to try out again." Summerby spoke with a clear of his throat as he looked to each of the possibly team members, his eyes flicked to Juliets, "Only we have a few newbies, I take it you know what you're getting yourself into."

Juliet could hear the faint whispering of a few behind her, glancing and seeing them eyeing Cedrics broom under her arm. Juliet held it closer to her in a protective manor as she shivered under the cold weather, basically waiting for the snow to start falling any second now.

"Well, lets see what all of you got." Summerby spoke as he began listing off positions, stopping before the Knightky girl with a knowing smirk, "Knightly, think you can handle Chaser?"

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