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"Yeah!" Juliet cheered for Neville when he finally got the spell down, succeeding like the others did

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"Yeah!" Juliet cheered for Neville when he finally got the spell down, succeeding like the others did. The group crowded Neville in praise before Harry began to speak.

"That's it for this lesson, now we aren't going to be meeting against until after the holidays." The Potter boy announced as their was a mix of sighs and awws over the crowd in disappointment, "So just keep practicing on your own as best you can and and well done, everyone! Great, great work."

"Yeah! Professor Potter!" Juliet yelled as everyone clapped for him, Juliet said the words just to embarrass Harry as he flushed. Ron smirked proudly for not only Harry but also Juliets ability to humiliate his best friend.

"You're not taking the train with us? I though we were showing up at the house together." Ron potted as the couple walked through the hallways together, hand in hand.

"I know, but I have something I need to do and I think it's best if I do it alone." Juliet said as she bumped his shoulder in hopes of uplifting his mood, though Ron still looked down and upset, "Aw, Ronnie, it's okay. I'll just be a few hours at the most behind you before I show up."

"Promise you'll still be there christmas day? You know that our-" he began before Juliet cut him off, tugging on his arm so the pair stopped and were face to face.

"Our one year, I know." she said with a small smile, putting her arms around his shoulders, "I'll be there no later then six on christmas eve."

Ron gave her a small smile, still not thrilled that she wouldn't get to ride with him but leaned in to kiss her anyways.

"Get a room." a voice spoke as their footsteps walked over, Juliet pulled back and saw Blaise looking at the pair in disgust with his arms crossed, "I need to talk to you."

"About what?" Juliet asked him, making it clear that whatever he needed to say he could say it with Ron around.

"Family matter." Blaise spoke as Juliet nodded her head with a shrug.

"Okay." she spoke while looking to him then to Ron, "Ron is my family, is it about my dad?"

Ron flushed.

"Sorta." Blaise spoke, focusing his gaze more so on Juliet and trying to pretend Ron hadn't been there, "Mum thinks you should join us for christmas sense it's never been that way before."

Ron's face fell as he looked to Juliet, seeing her blink. Juliet considered what it would be like to experience christmas again with a full family, haven't been able to do so sense her mother was diagnosed a few years ago, then her dad dying made it all worse.

"I could have it arranged we get off at the same time and just go different directions until the train leave." Blaise spoke as Ron puffed out his chest with an icy glare.

"Why? Are you ashamed of her?" venom was in his words, his hand tightened on Juliets hand as she did the same as a warning.

"It might come as a shock to blood traitors like you but some of us hold that title very personal, no ones ashamed of Juliet, we're protecting ourselves." Blaise snapped, thinking his words would come off better then they did, unaware it still hurt Juliet. He was ashamed, she knew that, but she learned to accept it.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓| Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now