First time working together

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How have you been
So another day another chapter I guess
I'm been trying make Y/N as close to kanao as possible so you may see kanao break character from time to time



Y/N: Guess it's time I go.

Y/N had made an incredibly fast recovery thanks to his demon powers and now was ready to take anyone. Y/N then got out of his room and met with kanao and shinobu outside.

Shinobu: So I guess I will leave you two for the mission I also have been paired up with tomioka-san for a mission so I need to leave now.

Y/N: Yeah you can leave the job to us isn't that correct kanao?

Kanao: Yes.

Shinobu: He actually made her talk.

Without another word shinobu disappeared in the night leaving Y/N and kanao alone.

Y/N: Let's go it's a 40 minute run from here.

Kanao: ...

Y/N: habits can't be broken I guess.

Y/N and kanao started making there way up to the town for some reason all of Y/N were up in the mountains but Y/N never paid attention to that stuff he was just doing his job.

Kanao: We have reached.

Y/N: It seems like that I wonder where the demons are.

???: Did you say demons?

Y/N: Shit!

Kanao: Yes can you please tell us if you know something.

Y/N: She's calm about this?

???: Yes I can there has been alot of cases of demon in this town lately I heard that the demons don't work in groups it's just one demon that can change forms and that he lives in the mountain up there.

Y/N: Why is it always mountain with me?!

Kanao: ...

Y/N: Thank you very much for your help!

???: Don't mind it.

After the unknown person leaves Y/N started to talk to kanao about what they should do next and made a strategy to kill the demon without getting hurt kanao being the one who has always followed orders just listened to Y/N.

Y/N: So the plan is a little risky but it's worth it so what I do is I will go as a prey for the demon and act like a normal person so that he will show himself you attack him then.

Kanao: I won't agree to this plan.

Y/N: What?! Why?

Kanao: You are risking yourself as your work partner I can't let you do that.

Y/N: You got anything better.

The Reaper [Demon Slayer]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang