Tray understands this about him hence a reason why the two are always attached at the hip. Tray is good at reading when Mason has had enough and he will usually help to get Mason out of the situation. The others don't seem to understand Mason as well as Tray does. One would think with Ryder and Mason being step brothers they would be a duo, but they aren't. I think that is because both of them are dealing with their family situation in their own ways. 

"I'm trying," I whisper back notice the color has all, but drained from Mason's face and he has broken out in a cold sweat. This is not good. Not good at all. He looks worse then he did when he was laying in the hospital bed. I position myself slightly in front of him hoping by standing there I can offer him a little breathing space. He smiles at me in gratitude.

The crowd slowly starts to thin when the staff returns to their posts and help with getting people to where they need to be. Finally I'm able to drag the guys out of the emergency room, but stop when we reach the door leading to the waiting room. Will we now have to deal with another crowd when we go out there? The way Mason is swaying on his feet and glancing nervously from side to side I don't think mentally he will be able to handle another crowd like the one we just got away from.

I flag down a few security guards and ask them to surround us so we can hustle or way through the waiting room without being mobbed. The quickly agree because I'm sure by this point they want us gone as much as we want to be gone. The guards take up their position and I take one hand from each of the guys and practically drag them thought the waiting room to the awaiting car.

A few people stand to get a better view of the commotion. I'm sure if the guards weren't there they would have approached us and we would be dealing with the emergency room all over again. I I make a mental note to send the hospital security team a thank you gift basket for jumping in and getting us out as quickly as they were able to. Especially since this was not at all on their radar to be happening today.

The waiting car is insight and thankfully the paparazzi is not. We might be able to sneak away to our hotel without anyone the wiser. Mason slides in first followed by me and lastly Tray. The second the door closes Ryder takes off. Mason opens his window and takes a few deep breaths of the in coming air.

"I'm sorry you are trapped between me and the door," I whisper to him running my hand up and down his arm trying to comfort him. I catch Ryder's worried eyes in the review mirror and shake my head. He nods his once and returns his eyes to the road. 

"No worries Aubree. I'm okay with you, Skylar or the guys being close. Everyone else not so much." He closes his eyes and rests his head back against the seat. Poor Mason. Wish there was more I could do for him. I always try to make sure when we go out as a band to get access to whatever VIP area they have so he can have somewhere to escape to.

Between the hospital visit and the crowd he's probably done for the day. I'll still tell him about the party at Skylar's parents house, but I wouldn't be surprised if he declines. I'm sure everyone would more then understand why.

Mason slides down slightly to rest his head on my shoulder seeking comfort. At first I tense and nervously glance towards Ryder. All of the guys would give me hugs and have occasionally dragged me into the laps to ward off unwanted attention. Mason is the only one who would cuddle into me, but only when the others weren't around or wouldn't notice what he was doing. 

One day I asked him why and he explained being around me reminded him of his sister. He didn't feel her loss as much when with me. Then he quickly reassured me he felt nothing sexual towards me. He saw me like a sister nothing more. When I had studied his yes all I could see was honesty. Mason and his sister we super close and I was happy to help fill the void for him.

Over the years he would periodically message me to come over and he would knock on my door in the middle of night seeking cuddles and comfort. Sometimes we would sit up and talk, but those visit became less and less because I had to tell him no when Ryder was over. Mason never mentioned anything about his night visits so neither did I. I figured he didn't want the rest of the band knowing his business or how much Kelly's death effected him.   

By Ryder's white knuckled grip on the steering wheel he was none to pleased with Mason laying on me. Another conversation him and I are going to have. He is going to have to come to terms and accept the relationship I have with Mason. 

These guys really have no idea what I do for each of them. I've done a stealer job keeping each of my relationships with them private. They have to feel safe and comfortable about coming to be with anything. I'm going to have share some of those relationships with Ryder or he's going to be beating the shit out of them. 

I reach my hand out and rest it on his shoulder giving him a gentle squeeze. He tilts his head to the side and for a second rests it on my hand. A small smile graces his lips when he returns his head to the upright position. 

Snoring all of a sudden comes from the other side. Tray is passed out to the world. I snap a few pictures of him with drool hanging off his mouth. These will be great for blackmail. He too then snuggles into me in his sleep letting out a content sight. If only the ladies could see these two now they would be shocked.

Ryder drives around randomly for an extra fifteen minutes to make sure we weren't followed. Once he and Lucan are satisfied we weren't followed he heads to the hotel. He pulls into the first space he finds and luckily the spot is close to the entrance.

Gently I wake my two charges who are passed out on top of me. Tray is the first to wake and stretch. Mason is a different story. He takes a little more coaxing to wake and when he does I swear I see a sheen in his eyes. Mason shakes his head and the sheen is gone.

We exit the car and head inside the lobby. Ryder positions himself next to me and places his arm over my shoulder. Not a soul acknowledges us as we walk though the lobby towards the elevator. Lucan hits the call button. While we wait I tell them about the party at Skylar's parents and they all readily agree to go, including Mason after a little convincing from Tray.  

The elevator arrives and we all enter. Once the doors close the elevator begins the climb to our floor. No one says a word the entire trip. Everyone lost in their own thoughts. When we reach our floor everyone exits and heads to their rooms. Ryder follows me to mine and enters with me.

Without a word he heads to the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. Was seeing Mason leaning on me that bothersome to him? Granted I'm with Ryder now and I'm sure seeing another guy cuddle up against your girl wasn't easy for him, but we are talking about Mason. Ryder has had a front row seat to Mason's and my friendship. There has never been anything romantic between us. 

Not enjoying the huge rift between us I head to the shower to see what was bothering Ryder. Before I could though my phone rings with an incoming call from Tray.

I don't even have a chance to say hello. "You fuckers!" 

Finally get to have more of an inside look to Mason. His character was feeling left out of the mix. So far he's only just been around. Hope this helped to open you heart more to Mason! Mine sure did! Happy reading!                      


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