'What are you talking about?' She asked in a hushed tone.

'Come now, I am not for giving away spoilers. You see, when you can predict the future it can get a little... Murky. So many paths to choose from and so little time... But I saw yours long ago when I first held you as a baby. So powerful, so...strong. So full of promise. The path has diverted many a time but what has become clearer... is that your future with Loki is important.'

'Get to the point.' She barked, finally she had had enough of his riddles. 'Tell me the future you see.'

He laughed, 'You, and Loki. Ruling Asgard, side by side. The most powerful couple since Bragelina.'

'You know Brangelina?' She chuckled

'I've been known to frequent Midguard.' He moved her to talk and as they did, it became abundantly clear Brokkr wanted a Quid Pro Quo deal. 'I want to be... Moved up in the world. I want everything I could possibly dream of. And you and Loki are the ones that will ensure I receive it.'

'How will that happen? I don't think Loki and I are inclined to have you receive any favours?' Y/N Crossed her arms waiting for a response, but Brokkr just smiled.

'Oh, you will thank me. In time. And I want thanks in full. Now you go, find some solitude. And read that map!' He ordered her to carry on through the tunnel without him, and she obliged. She needed to be alone for a while, and wanted to find a secluded spot to do it. Looking at the walls, she could see illustrations like early cave drawings that showed varied scenes. She smiled as she looked up to see stick figures. Humanoid beings must have inhabited this planet, before whatever happened here happened. She then saw the stick figures but smaller. Like they were declining in size.

Children? She thought, but then she looked closer. the children remained. the adult figures... Crossed out. She looked up to the ceiling and something was written there. 'Beware Nanny and the Orphan Maker. Takers of the Lost.' 

A haunting sound came from the back of the cave, whispers and laughter that chilled her to the bone.

She stepped back and turned on her heel to head back to the fire, when a shadow flew at her attacking her at every turn. It grabbed her leg and pulled her back, dragging her through the cavern. She screamed as loud as she could which alerted the other, Loki being first on the scene.

The great shadow had Y/N by the leg, and to her surprise when she kicked it it it was solid like flesh.

'Loki, we can hurt it!' Y/N screamed as he grinned and took out his daggers. He slashed at it as it screamed in pain and Thor slung his hammer at it pinning it to the wall.

'Do it now!' Shouted Nitid, and as Y/N turned, she could see Brokkr holding a box open while Nitid used her powers to drag the shadow inside it. Getting up Y/N to Loki's side.

'What is that thing?' Loki shouted.

'It's a shadow, this planet is for lost ones, orphans and beings with no home. It's a shadow of what they used to be.' Nitid explained.

'Which means, we can use them.' Brokkr looked into the distance, he must have seen something with his gift of foresight, but he wasn't letting on what.

'Nitid, The Nanny. You know who that is? It seemed like you did before?' Y/N

'Why yes... It was someone I heard of once... It's a myth. The Nanny and The Orphan Maker. It was a story parents would tell children to make them behave. It is just a myth,'

'What story?' Loki asked impatiently.

'Nanny will take children who are abandoned or alone. The Orphan Maker was a child that kills parents to add to Nanny's brood. The child must have been confused.' Nitid reassured. Y/N shook her head.

'Nope, it has to be real. These markings... these tallys on the wall. They aren't how many days someone has lived in this cave. It isn't markings for the passage of time. That's how many have been killed or taken.'

'Children?!' Thor said alarmed.

'Or parents. This is the planet of lost ones right? That's what I am. I am Lost. I am an orphan.' Her eyes filled with tears. Y/N looked down to the map and it came to life. The map showed the planet and its terrain with areas sectioned off into what looked like encampments. Brokkr approached and read it with interest. 

'There are inhabitants here, look.' Brokkr indicated to a part of the map that said Afroð barnœska 'That's where the ship is. That's where it was moved to.' Everyone looked closely and saw the map moving as though it were breathing and living. And right in the centre of Afroð barnœska, the image of the Asgardian ship. 

'They took it, whoever is here took the ship. It's obviously a trap meant for us.' said Thor.

'I think it's meant for me.' Y/N said quietly and all eyes turned on her. 'Think about it. I can hear the crying, the nanny or whoever she is she takes children with no family. Obviously she wants me.

'She won't get you Y/N.' Loki took her arm gently, we will find another way. Nitid can take you to her home.'

Y/N shook her head, 'No way,' she held steadfast in her protest even as Loki was trying to persuade her otherwise. 'I am not leaving without you, I am not going anywhere other than Asgard.' 

'I agree,' Smiled Brokkr 'Let's get to the ship, and get you to where you need to be.

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