Tray and Mason spring from the bed  and start to strip off their hospital gowns. Ryder spins me so I'm facing his chest. "Do you mind," he scolds. "Aubree does not need to see your ugly asses."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Mason mocks. 

"Only fair since I've seen her she should see me," Tray taunts. 

Ryder goes to lunge at them, but since he was pressing me tightly against his chest he stops. I hear Tray and Mason yelp in pain. Lucan must have gotten to them. The ruffling of clothing reaches my ears and in no time both of them were dressed and ready to hit the road. Now we need to sneak out with no one noticing.

Ryder lets me go so I can peek out the door. Since we were now later in the morning the emergency room was way more crowded then it was before. This is going to make our escape a little more difficult. Of course Ryder is the only one with a baseball cap.

I hand him the keys. "Okay here's what we are going to to. You are going to go get the car and bring it right out front. Less distance we will have to walk. Keep your head down and don't make eye contact with anyone. Once you have the car in position send me a text and we will then make our way to the exit." I feel like I'm orchestrating a prison escape, but the longer people don't realize they are here the better for us.

"Roger that," he says saluting me and sneaking out the door. I watch him shuffle his way down the hall trying to not draw any unwanted attention to himself. Some how he manages to sneak out the door without a soul halting his progress. A few people stop to stare, but since the last person they thought they would be seeing was Ryder Clark they go about their business. Now hopefully I'll luck will hold so I can get the three stooges out the door and into the car.

I close the door and face off with the said three stooges crossing my arms. Mason and Tray are huddled on the bed together with their phones out. No doubt searching the internet for our lie.

"Lucan can we see your phone please," Mason asks. "Both of ours are dead." Mason goes to snatch Lucan's phone without waiting for an answering forcing Lucan to take a step back and bump into me.

"Hell no," he exclaims, "last time I loaned you my phone it came back full of pictures I can not unseen along with a bunch of porn websites. I felt so dirty every time I used the thing I had to go buy a new one." 

I remember that day because Dimitri and Ryder had to help prevent Lucan from going after Mason and Tray. Lucan may sleep around, but he's more discrete about what he does. I also don't see him being one to flood his phone with porn and pictures. After he calmed down he had begged me to take him to the nearest phone store to but a new one. He could no longer look at his phone how he once did was his reasoning. So off we went to buy him a new phone even though there was nothing wrong with the old one. 

"Please," Mason begs. "You can sit right next to us while we look out the side effects of alcohol poisoning."

Lucan shakes his head and tucks his phone into his pocket, but not before I see his phone is also dead. When did he turn into such the little liar? "Nope you are on your own."

Then they turn there attention to be trying to appear like the little angles they are not. "Don't even ask," I snap already anticipating their question. My phone is chalk full of important information and those two would more than likely end up deleting something important. Hence why I never let anyone else use my phone. 

My phone chirps indicating I have an incoming text. I glance at it expecting to see Ryder's name, but instead I see Dimitri's. Shit once again I forgot to text him. 

What the verdict? Who's there? Do I need to start replacing band members? 

After reading that text do I need to add protection on your bandmembers from you? Seems not to long ago you were threatening to replace Tray. 

No take to long to break the new guys. The tour starts in a little over a week. But maybe after the tour...

Enough you are not offing your band brothers. 

I quickly bring Dimitri up to date on what happened with the promise to have everyone meet up for dinner at Skylar's parents house. They are throwing her a going away party and invited her family and friends. I set a reminder for myself to let the guys in on what would be happening this evening with an added note that Mason and Tray are not allowed to drink.

Finally a text comes through from Ryder letting me know he is in position. Wonder what took him so long, but I stop worrying because he didn't send me any red flags. 

"Alright Ryder has the car upfront waiting on us. We need to move as quickly as possible." I explain glancing up from my phone. Mason and Tray get off the bed to join Lucan and me. "Do not. I repeat do not stop for anything or anyone." I stare each of them down in turn so they understood I mean every word I was speaking.

"Don't you always tell us to be kind to our fans," Tray asks tilting his head. Dimitri will not have to worry about hiring a hitman for Tray because I will. I grip my phone tightly in my hand fighting the urge to hit him upside the head with it. Tray watching my facial expression takes a step away from me and slightly behind Mason.

I don't even bother to comment on his statement. "Hopefully we can get to the car without any hassle. So far this entire incident hasn't been made known and as long as we don't draw any unnecessary attention should be able to stay under the radar." The three of them nod their head not wanting to say anything after I put fear into Tray.

Taking a deep breath I open the door and find even more hustle and bustle from the last time I checked. Even thought there were more people I'm hoping the fact they all seem really busy will allow us to sneak out undetected.

Then an idea comes to me. If there are less of us moving through the emergency room people may not pay as much attention, but there is no way in hell I'm letting Mason and Tray out of my sight. Pretty sure those two would sneak away with a nurse or two to test out their dicks and the last thing I need is a sandal. Already bypass one today doubt I would able to with a second.

"Change of plan boys," I say shutting the door. "Lucan you are going to go without us to the car and once you are in we will follow. Figure one less person to draw attention to our group."

"If that's your plan why don't we all take turns going to the car alone with you being the last to follow," Mason states. 

"Because Lucan I trust." I point at Mason and Tray while Lucan stands there gloating. "You two I do not." Mason and Tray mutter a few choice words under their breath. If they didn't act so childish I wouldn't be forced to treat them like children.

I sent a quick text out to Ryder explaining my idea and then I practically push Lucan out the door. He bows his head and marches towards the exit. Once again a few people stop to stare at him, but not a sole stops. Two for two. Now time for three for three. 

Once Ryder sends me a text stating Lucan is safely in the car with him I turn my attention to Mason and Tray. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine part of my job description would be sneaking Steel Wolf out of an emergency room, but here I am.

Not wanting to jinx myself I say nothing to them. Instead I open the door and step out into the hall with Tray and Mason hot on my tail. We don't get far when I hear the words I had been praying I would not hear.

"Mason Holmes! Tray Alard!"          

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now