"It's time," Katara said with a big teary smile, she had never been so proud. Kya took a deep breath, and hugged her mother one last time before the old waterbender left to go sit in the public. Bumi took his sister's arm, and led her out of the small room.


Lin's eyes filled with tears when she saw Kya walking towards the altar, in her long blue dress, holding her brother's arm. She was so beautiful. She tried her best not to cry until they were officially married, but a tear rolled down her cheek anyway. Su leaned towards her, and whispered: "She's gorgeous." Lin chuckled and wiped her tears away, smiling at her wife-to-be, who returned it, pursing her lips at the same time.

It felt like it took forever for Kya to finally be standing in front of Lin, holding her shaky hands in hers. "I love you," the Earthbender whispered. Kya blew her a kiss, and Lin quickly looked at the assembly. Her side was composed of her family, Saikhan, Mako, Bolin, Korra and Asami, and she wouldn't have asked for anyone else. They were all she needed.

Everyone was looking at them with a tender smile, and it made Lin feel even more nervous. Luckily for her, Kya smiled and squeezed her hand, reminding the Earthbender that she was there, and she wasn't going anywhere.

Tenzin cleared his throat, and looked at the two woman standing in front of each other, nervous too. "Hello there," he said nervously. Everyone chuckled. "I guess you all know what we're here for today. Marriage is a powerful thing, and I am so happy to be there with Kya and Lin today, to be able to assist their big day. I can't believe I'm marrying my sister and my ex," he added. Lin chuckled and resisted the urge to hide her face in Kya's chest. "Shut up," she grumbled happily. The Waterbender's smile only grew bigger, and Lin realized that she was on the edge of tears too.

"Alright, alright. How about we go straight to the vows?" Tenzin said, embarrassed. Lin squeezed Kya's hand, and the Waterbender wiped her tears away. "My beautiful angel," Kya whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear it. "There are no words to express how much I love you. I watched you growing up, getting mature, becoming that incredible selfless, brave, smart, strong and beautiful woman that you are today, and I couldn't be prouder. You're my whole world, you've always been. Since I was old enough to understand what love was, I knew it was you. It's always been you. I vow to always be by your side, in this lifetime and in the next, to always care for you and protect you. I love you more than anything else." Lin smiled softly through her tears of happiness, and she couldn't help but pull Kya in a tight hug, appreciating every inch of their skins touching, and the healer's hot breath in her neck.

They stayed in each other's arms for a moment, before Lin was finally able to pull away. She took a deep breath, cupped her fiancée's face in her hands. "I don't remember one single second in the last ten years where I wasn't thinking about you. Or in my entire life, actually. When I think of what I really need and want, it's you. You make me a better person, you make me happier, and stronger, and I like to believe smarter too. I wouldn't come home every night if it weren't for you, everyday I look forward to the moment I'll finally be able to see that beautiful face of yours, hear your voice, or simply feel you hugging me. I love you more than anything else in the world, and I vow to always do, and to care for you, to always be there for you." Kya giggled, crying. It was rare for Lin to be so soft in her words, even with the healer.

The two women looked at Tenzin, and chuckled when they realized he was crying. The Airbender wiped his tears away, and smiled at them. "Kya, do you promise to love and care for Lin, in this lifetime and in the next?" Lin's heart stopped, nervous. She knew she shouldn't be, not after the declaration Kya had just done, but she couldn't help it. "I do," the healer whispered happily. Tenzin took a deep breath, and turned to the Earthbender.

"Lin, do you promise to love and care for Kya, in this lifetime and in the next?" She didn't need to think about her answer, she had been waiting to say those words for too long. "I do."

"I declare you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Tenzin said happily. Kya chuckled as she hurriedly pressed her lips to Lin's, and they kissed for the first time as wives. Everyone cheered and applauded in the room, but neither of them really paid attention. They were too focused on each other.

It was the beginning of a new journey together, and it was going to be even more exciting than the previous one.

Here it is, homies, hope you liked it
I can write the end of the wedding if you want me to, just tell me

Btw SORRY for not posting, I've kind of been too busy watching She-Ra (forgive me ok? Spinnetossa are wayyy too cute and Catradora are wayyyy too hot) to write, and kind of went somewhere on a weekend where I couldn't write ☠️

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