chapter 34

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The film was successful and it becomes a blockbuster hit in the first week. They earned 100 billion yen and they got good reviews from the critics. Stick With Me film is Japan's romance/action genre that was talked about.

Shinichi got an email and he can't believe it. It says that one of the most famous agencies in Hollywood wants to invite him and make an offer exclusive for him. They are interested and want him to become more successful and they saw his talent that is needed in Hollywood. Shinichi feeling overwhelmed because of the success and attention he gets. He never thought he would come this far. He was just a simple boy who wanted to follow in his Mother's footsteps and now he's finally achieving it.

He feels like he got everything. The attention, the fame, the money, and also he got Shiho. He never thought he would end up dating her and become his Fiancee. He still can't believe dreams do come true. He was just watching her movies and buying her magazines and now he's actually gonna marry her!?

Shiho and Shinichi are chilling in her living room.

"Babe I think it's a good opportunity." Shiho said.

Shinichi looks at her.

"Why don't you try it?" She asked curiously.

"Do you think I'll gonna make it?"

"Of course you can! They are impressed with your talent and they emailed you! That means they're really impressed with you." She said happily.

Shinichi smiled.

"So you think I should grab it?" His eyes are staring directly into hers.

Shiho nods.

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

"But what if I got rejected?"

"Then it's alright you're doing better here anyway."

Shinichi pulls her close to him.

"Did you know how happy I am that I got a beautiful and supportive Fiancee?" He kissed her forehead.

She rests her head on his shoulder.

The Next Day...

Shinichi replied to the agency that emailed him. They talk over the phone and planned to meet as soon as possible. 3 days passed Shinichi went to the USA to meet Hollywood's famous agency recruiter.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Mr. Kudo!" The woman with blonde short hair said.

"I'm Mrs. Gina Davis!" The woman smiled.

"Nice to meet you as well Mrs. Davis." Shinichi smiled, he takes her hand and shakes it.

"Please have a seat..." Gina said.

They sit down across from each other, they're currently at the office.

"So I have a really good offer for you Mr Kudo. If you sign our contract, I can assure you that you'll gain more fans here and become the next biggest star that you are born to be!" Gina smiled.

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