chapter 15

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Shinichi takes Shiho in their house. He didn't see anyone there. They went straight to his room. Shiho sit down on his bed. She watched him opening his cabinet and get a medium box from it. He lay down the box in the bed.

"Open it." He command.

She looks at him but she obeyed him anyway. She see what's inside the box.

"Oh my God!" She's surprised.

She see all her movie DVD copies inside the box and a complete posters from her movies.

"I also have your magazines in the cabinet would you like to see it too?" He smiled.

"Wow. You really collect these things?" She asked amazed.

"Yeah but I hide it from Kaito. Don't tell him." He laughs.

"Kaito thinks he's your biggest fan boy but then I exist." He added.

Shiho smiled.

"Thanks Shinichi."

"Can i get a sign?" He smiled.

She nods. They heard Shinichi's Mom's voice calling him. He returned the box in his cabinet and they headed to the living room.

"Oh hi Shiho. I'm glad you're here." Yukiko smiled.

Shiho just smiled.

Kaito is also there too smiling at both of them and he gives a tease look to Shinichi. Dinner time already. They celebrate his birthday singing a happy birthday song and Yukiko lit the candle on the cake.

"What's your birthday wish Shin chan?" Yukiko happily asked.

He looks at Shiho and smiled. He then look back to his Mother.

"Don't be shy to wish to find the one." Yukiko teased.

They laughed.

"I already found her." He whispered and steal a look at Shiho.

After eating and opening gifts, Yukiko and Yusaku take a rest. It's just the 3 of them stay in the living room.

"You know Shiho, I'm your biggest fan and I really love you and I support you wholeheartedly but if you have feelings towards my bff Shinichi... even it hurts I'll let you go." Kaito dramatically said.

Shiho and Shinichi laughs. Shinichi throws a pillow to him.

"Hey Shiho his team didn't let him to use Phone so he asked me to buy so he can contact you." Kaito smirked.

Shiho looks at Shinichi. Kaito's phone rings.

"Oh it's my Dad. I'm going home now. Thanks alot. Happy birthday again Shinichi." He said.

Kaito left them. Shiho stand up and she hold his hand.

"Let's go sleep?" She asked.

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