chapter 2

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Shinichi wakes up earlier than the usual time he wakes up. He gets up and fix his bed. He get his phone to call his Mother. A few rings then she finally answered.

"Hello Mom?"

"Hi Shin Chan! How's the first day of Shooting?" She happily asked.

"Great. But I'm so exhausted yesterday but I'm now preparing for the 2nd day of shoot. I'm excited!" He said.

"Shuichi told me that you have to be close to your leading lady?" She asked.

"Yeah he did." Shinichi cooly answered.

"Does he told you that he's talking to her Manager to have a fake relationship?"

"Wh-what?!?" He's shocked.

"Well fake pr is natural in this industry... people likes the team pairing to end up dating. Paparazzi's are hungry to get gossip on two pairs, also the film you're making will increase more popularity since the two of you are the protagonist isn't it?" She asked.

Yukiko Kudo is once an actress but she gave up on acting when she met his Husband Yusaku Kudo who's a director, she decided to stay out of the spotlight and live a simple life with her family. Shinichi was inspired by his Mother, he wanted to fulfill his Mother's dream and become a famous actor.

"I see... but I heard that Shiho is you know... she has an attitude and I don't think she'll agree on that. I'll gain more fans while dating her but she won't get anything from me." He said.

"Leave that to Shuichi... it's his Job to convinced them! Anyway if she and her team turns down it's there loss. You're the next big thing!" She proudly said.

Shinichi chuckled. After chatting his Mom over the phone, he do his daily morning routine. Kaito fetched him using Kaito's own car. They headed to the studio. They went out of the car and went inside the studio. They see everyone is preparing and setting the props. Shinichi went in the corner and see Masumi waiting for him.

"Hey these are the clothes you're going to use." She said.

"Thanks." Shinichi said.

Kaito looks around.

"Where's my Goddess?" Kaito asked searching for Shiho.

"She's not here yet. I bet she's going here late, that's her thing anyway." Masumi said.

Shinichi sit down on his chair. Masumi looks at him.

"Did you memorize your lines?" She asked curiously.

Shinichi nods as an answer.

"Good. Prepare yourself, the director's mood isn't good right now." She said.

Kaito looks at her.

"What happened?" Asked Kaito.

"Well... I heard that this film will be sent as a contender at Cannes film Festival this year so it's a pressure for the director and actors as well." She answered.

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