chapter 30

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Shiho wakes up and see Shinichi still sleeping next to her.

'I'll always see your sleeping face every morning when we get married and live together...' she smiled while thinking about their future.

'I'm so happy.'

She started caressing his hair.

'My husband.' Her smiled never faded.

"I love you." He said softly.

He open his eyes and looks at her smiling.

"Didn't notice you're awake." She said, she started caressing his hair again.

"Let's eat breakfast?" She asked.

"Just 5 more minutes..." he move closer and embraced her.

"You're mine." He whispered.

She smiled while feeling his warm embraced.

5 minutes passed, the couple gets up from bed and take a shower together. After taking a shower they went downstairs to eat breakfast, Fujiko is there joining them for breakfast.

"How's the performance last night?" Fujiko teased.

"It was great. I think we're having a twins." Shiho joked.

Shinichi chuckled.

"Don't worry if that happens we can actually go in the U.s to hide your pregnancy." Said Fujiko.

"I'm not gonna followed Sharon Vineyard's footstep."

Shinichi looks at Shiho.

"I don't want my future children to experience what I've been experienced." She said.

Shinichi held her hand. Fujiko smiled at them.

"Anyway tomorrow is the premiere night of your movie." Fujiko informed.

"Unfortunately Shinichi wasn't your date." She added.

Shiho roll her eyes.

"It's obviously not ok but since the theater movie is exclusive and private can you do anything so I can sit with my baby far from that Ayumi?"

"Well I think I can manage that, I'll talk to the one of my friend who's doing the arrangement seats."

"Thank you Fujiko! You're the best!" Shiho smiled.


Kaito is in his house reading an article about Akako dating Saguru thru his phone.

"This must be a fake news!" He said.

It was his 10th time reading this article, he still can't believe it.

"Nah this is just fake! There's no way it can't be real! They're just friends! I've never seen them sweet and flirting around!"

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