chapter 16

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Shiho gets her bag and use her old car. She drive to Shinichi's house. He opened the door and smiled when he saw her.

"Come in." He said.

They went inside.

"Are you hungry? Would you like to eat?" He asked.

"Sure." She said.

They went in the dining area. Shiho sit on the chair. While Shinichi is preparing the foods in front of her.

"I cooked them. I hope you like it." He looks at her and smiled.

Shiho takes a bite and she looks back at him.

"I didn't know you can cook! Why didn't you bring homemade foods when we are filming stick with me huh?"

"Wow. I am really glad you liked it. I'm afraid you won't like the taste since you only eat expensive foods." He chuckled.

"I'm actually bad at cooking. So if you wanted to marry a woman who will cook for you... you can dump me now." She giggles.

"I can cook for us, I don't want to break up with you just because you can't cook." He chuckled.

Yukiko entered the room and see them.

"Hi Shiho... I'm glad to see you here again." She said and smiled.

She left them and Shinichi looks at Shiho.

"I told them you're my girlfriend." He smiled.

"Why? Oh my! What did they say? Did they like me or no-"

"Mom told me to marry right away." He laughs.

Shiho smiled. She's feeling so happy and grateful because his parents are too kind and the fact that they like her for their son makes her happier.

After eating they went in the living room and watch television. The local channel is playing a Sharon Vineyard film. Shinichi looks at Shiho and smiled.

"Your favorite Actress."

Shiho looks at him.

"Yeah." And her eyes are back on the TV screen.

"She reminds me of you... she's beautiful, kind and really talented." Shinichi commented.

But Shiho keeps her mouth shut. Shinichi noticed her silent.


Shiho held his hand.

"She's not a good person. I know her really well..."

Their eyes meet.

"Sharon Vineyard is my Mother." She reveal.

Shinichi is obviously shocked.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

She smiled weakly.

"She always tells me that I'm just a big mistake she will always regret."

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