chapter 7

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1 week passed...

Shinichi and Shiho continue filming, they become closer and closer everytime they hangout, today is her rest day, Shinichi is in the film location today and he's filming with the other actors. Fujiko barged inside her room. She see Shiho is lying down on her bed while singing a happy song. Fujiko sit down on her bed.

"You're in a good mood..." she said.

Shiho stopped singing and sit down on her bed. She looks at Fujiko.

"Ofcourse. There's no reason to be sad anyway." Shiho said.

"Ryusuke and Yoko are engaged."

Fujiko looks in her eyes.

"Good for them. They're a perfect match. A boyfriend snatcher and a f*ck#ng cheater." She laughs.

"You're not affected?" Fujiko curiously asked.

"Why would I?" Shiho asked.

"Oh my Goodness! Shiho is that really you? Where's the Shiho girl who cry and drink too much alcoholic drinks in her room when Ryusuke and Yoko are in the news?" Fujiko teased.

"She's dead and guess what? SHE'S NOT COMING BACK!" she smiled.

Fujiko smiled as well.

"I hope you're not faking this but I'm so glad you're finally over him." Fujiko happily said.

"By the way Jin talked to me." She added.

Shiho frowned.

"That scumbag what does he wants?" She asked.


"I'll never respect him so don't start."

"I know you dislike him so much but he wanted to see you and talk to you personally." Fujiko said.

"Tell him I'm done with his sh*t." Shiho smiled.

"And tell him that one more f*ck#ng time I see his dog Kaspar following me and Shinichi I'll f*ck#ng expose his sh*t." It's so obvious that she upset.

Shiho stand up and leave her room.

At the same time...

Shinichi is in the film location. He takes a break and now resting on his dressing room. Kaito barged in his room.


Shinichi looks at him.

"Hey!" Shinichi said.

He sit down across him.

"Shinichi I need to ask you a serious question." He said.

"What is it?" Shinichi asked.

"Do you like Shiho?" He asked.

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