A knock at the door interrupted by ongoing watching of TV. I pressed the off button on the remote and walked over to the door, I opened it to find a guard standing before me. " I have been sent up to tell you to get ready for tonight," the guard said. I frowned, " who sent you up here?" " Mr. Brambilla," the guard informed. For a second I was confused on why Mr. Brambilla sent a guard up to me, but then I realized he was talking about Antonio. I small smile crept onto my face, but I immediately pulled it back. Suddenly, the guard somehow was able to hide an entire dress from me from behind his back. He held it out to me, my eyes widened in astonishment. " Mr. Brambilla wants you to wear this out tonight," the guard informed. I looked at him before taking the dress in its clear packaging. " Uh, what's going on?" I asked the guard. The guard stared at me, " I have no other information besides what I gave you." I nodded, " thanks." The guard nodded back, " you have thirty minutes to get ready." And with that, the guard left me standing outside my door.

I ran into my bathroom and unzipped the dress from its casing. I scoffed, the dress was a black lace and extremely beautiful. A slit went up the middle, showing off my leg and thigh. It was sleeveless on the left side, but I didn't mind. The dress was all black, I was thankful it had no color.

It only took me five minutes to squeeze myself into the dress. Breathing was hard, but I managed. The dress was definitely bodycon, it accented my hourglass shape. I quickly did my makeup, keeping it basic and light before slipping into some black heels. I curled my hair in an impressive amount of time before grabbing my phone and bag. I had a few minutes remaining, butterflies fluttered around my stomach and the knot in my throat was reforming. The sun had began to set, the sky was a warm red and pink. The weather outside was cool, I knew I wouldn't need a jacket. And even if I did, Antonio would give me his. Hopefully.
                               - - -
I walked downstairs and paused, noises were heard in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and paused to see Mia, her friends, Mrs. Brambilla and a few others tending to Mia's beat up face. " Oh Thalia," Mrs. Brambilla said, setting the bottle of ointment down. I looked at Mia, who shot me a cold dark glare. " What happened?" I asked looking back at Mrs. Brambilla. " Little fight at the club, nothing big," Mrs. Brambilla answered. " Is Mia okay?" I asked, hating myself for giving a shit. " I'm fine," Mia said sternly. She groaned when she finished her sentence. " Okay, I'm going to make you some tea," Mrs. Brambilla said turning and walking over to the pantry. The other girls looked at me, " bitch," Rose mouthed. I held back a smile, " where are you going dressed up like that?" Mrs. Brambilla asked. " Uh Antonio is taking me out," I informed. Everyone paused and looked at me. " He is?" A lady asked. " Yeah," I answered. The girls rolled their eyes, Mia folded her arms. " Don't wait up for me," I said. " Oh, we won't," Mrs. Brambilla said. " I have to tend the gardens a way, so I'll be wide awake when you come home." I smiled at her before eyeing Mia and the others.

I walked out of the kitchen and was about to turn down the hall when something stopped me. " I was beginning to think you wouldn't come," A familiar voice said from behind me. I held back a smile as I turned around to meet Antonio's perfect green eyes. " You underestimate my abilities," I said. Antonio nodded, " I guess so." I walked up to him, " feeling better?" Antonio asked. I scoffed, " you should see Mia." Antonio grinned as I walked past him, he rubbed his jaw before following me outside to our car. " Ms. Galonos," the driver welcomed. I smiled at him and walked up to the car door. Right as Antonio was about to open it for me, I beat him to it. I opened the car door and opened, stepping aside. Antonio raised his eyebrows and scoffed softly, I titled my head and smirked at him. " Okay," Antonio chuckled. As he got into the car, in grinned. I scooted in beside him, " are you kidnapping me are we actually going somewhere?" Antonio put on his seatbelt, " kidnapping was the original plan." I bit my bottom lip to prevent me from smiling before saying, " my attire isn't very appropriate for you to kidnap me in. Antonio held back a smile, " who said you'd be in it all night?" My heart immediately dropped, I looked at Antonio. " Kidding," Antonio said. I scoffed softly and looked out the window. " Boss you two ready?" The driver asked. " Yes sir," Antonio said. I buckled myself in and sighed, " did I over dress for this occasion?" Antonio eyed my attire before looking at me, " no." I turned my head and looked at Antonio, I couldn't help but smile my eyes which only made the smile on Antonio's face grow.

About thirty minutes past, Antonio and I spent the entire time talking about his family and mine. Overall, we both kinda had the same lifestyle. Overruling parents, a mother who always seemed calm an patient. Strict rules, tons of guards following you 24/7. The only thing that was different about Antonio and I was that Antonio was an only child where as I had four brothers. " You like being an only child?" I asked. " Less noise, not as busy," Antonio said. " My mom always talk about having more kids or at least wanting more." I grinned, " and my I hear your dad's opinion on that?" Antonio smiled, " he said one kid good enough." My heart ached for Mrs. Brambilla, all she wanted was to have a nice family and her own husband wouldn't allow her that. " I'd like to see our fathers get into an argument," I said. Antonio chuckled, " That's something I wouldn't mind watching again."

The car came to a stop, I turned my head and was taken aback at where we were. " We're here boss," our driver said. Antonio nodded at him before getting out of the car and walking over to my side. Bright beautiful lights decorated every tree. Blooming trees and bushes held different colors of flowers. Everyone wore elegant dresses, everything looked magical. Antonio opened the door, I took the hand he held out for me and got out of the car. " Surprised you yet?" He asked. I scoffed, " you're getting there." Antonio talked to the driver about when he was going to pick us up before returning back to me. " We're not exactly at our destination yet," Antonio informed. I looked around and frowned, " what do you mean?" Antonio eyed something behind me, I slowly turned around and looked up. " Holy shit," I gasped. Antonio looked at me and smiled, I looked at him. The building was taller than any other building around us. A huge fountain sat in the middle of the parking lot, I didn't know how I didn't hear or see It before. Thousands of lights and flowers surrounded the building. Birds flew from tree to tree, squirrels dotted the ground where nuts had been scattered. " When did you plan this?" I asked. Antonio put his hands in his suit pants pocket, " it was on my mind." I raised my eyebrows, " you just randomly had all this on your mind?" Antonio nodded, " pretty much." I shook my head and looked back at the breathtaking view. " You wanna go in?" Antonio then asked. I looked at him, " there's more?" Antonio nodded and grinned, " there's more."

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