I walked up to my room and closed the door. My body was beyond tired, my arms ached and every muscle had either cramped up or was starting to cramp up. The sun was setting and I was going to be with Mia and her friends again, probably at some bar or club. I rubbed my face and closed my eyes, when was this all going to be over. Even if I was just with Antonio and his large family, I'd be happy if every girl around the age of twenty was exterminated.

I walked over to my closet and opened it, my eyes were astonished to see a a very beautiful but short chain strap red bodycon mini dress. The fabric was soft, the dress looked extreme small for my body. Seeing myself in this dress I knew Mia and her friends would be pissed at me for wearing something like this. I sighed and walked into the bathroom, hoping the dress would somewhat look good.

I slipped into a pair of nude stilettos, I felt like a runway model, but more like a stripper

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I slipped into a pair of nude stilettos, I felt like a runway model, but more like a stripper. It was nearing 9 pm, it took me a little longer than I thought to get ready and touch up on my hair and makeup. I grabbed my bag and jacket before making my way to the door. I could literally hear my feet crying due to the tightness and highness on my heels. I groaned as my feet began to cramp up. I walked down the hall and turned left, I looked up right as I collided into someone. " Shit, I'm so sorry," I immediately said. Antonio chuckled, " be happy I'm not your father." I scoffed and rubbed my forehead, " hi." Antonio looked me up and down, " you going to the gardens looking like that?" I held back a smile, " I'm going out, sadly." Antonio chuckled, " so I heard." I frowned and looked at him, " I saw some girls dressed up in the kitchen," Antonio informed. " Is my attire similar to theirs?" I asked full of hope. " No, their wearing jeans and t-shirts," Antonio said. I stared at him and said annoyed, " are you serious?" I had spent all most an hour getting ready, and now they decided to change what the style was for tonight.

Antonio broke into a smile, I scoffed. " You really think Mia and her friends are going out wearing something normal?" Antonio asked tilting his head. " Look, I'm tired and my feet hurt, I will believe anything anyone tells me." Antonio nodded, " when are you getting back?" I sighed, " whenever Mia's done." Antonio stared at me, " what?" I asked him. Antonio just shook his head, he tried to hide a smile but he eventually broke. " What?" I asked again. " Have fun tonight," Antonio said. He walked past me, I inhaled as his cologne brushed into my face. " Are you going to tell me or not?" I asked. Antonio stopped, I turned and looked at him. We stared at each other for a few moments. " You look good," Antonio said calmly. My heart beat began to beat faster. I held back a smile, thank you." Antonio nodded once before turning and walking down the hall.

Fuck, he looked hot in all black suits.
- - -
The bar was crowded with drunk people, blaring music, and bright lights. Right now, the only thing I could think about was the time Grace and I went out with Alessandro and his friends to a bar. The fear of that night crept down my spine, I shook the feeling away. " Thalia!" Mia yelled. I shook out of my daze and looked over at Mia and her friends who were all waiting for me. Mia raised her eyebrows, " you coming?" I sighed and walked up to them, I followed Mia and the others to a table near the DJ.

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