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It was the first day of summer and Olivia woke up at 7:30 in the morning to her phone ringing on her desk across the room from her bed

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It was the first day of summer and Olivia woke up at 7:30 in the morning to her phone ringing on her desk across the room from her bed. She groggily pulled the blankets off of her and removed the heavy arm that was laid across her waist. She stood up from the bed, padded over to her desk, picked up the phone, and held it to her ear trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake up the boy sleeping soundly in her bed.

"Hello?" She groans tiredly and looks over to see Luke starting to stir in his sleep after her disappearance.

"Hey! So, you know how Heather throws a massive party on the first day of summer. The one that we've never been invited to. Well, other than you, because you went with Finn last year, but whatever, you know what I'm talking about." Reggie clearly has way too much energy for the time of day and Olivia can't process it.

"Yeah, sure. What about the party?" She sits down in the chair and lays her head down on the desk while closing her eyes.

"Heather wanted me to invite you guys to come. It's tonight and starts at 7. You can tell Luke because I know that he's there. Okay, bye. I'm gonna go call Alex now." Reggie zooms through the announcement and just as Olivia is about to stop him from calling Alex, he's already hung up.

She set the phone back down on the receiver and walked back over to her bed and crawled in next to Luke, putting his arm around her waist once again and cuddled back into his chest, finding the same comfort that she did when they went to sleep the night before.

"Someone's cuddly this morning." Luke's morning voice vibrates through his chest and the girl smiles at the feeling. She snuggles closer without saying anything. "Is there any reason?" He threads his fingers through her hair and starts massaging her scalp.

"Does there have to be a reason for wanting to cuddle my boyfriend?" She mumbles into his chest and he laughs softly.

"I guess not. Come here." He pulls her closer into him and continues the head massage, knowing that it'll put her right back to sleep.

Around noon, the two decided to get up and start their day. They had stayed up late the night before because Daphne had left on a trip with her friends a few days before and Crystal was staying at a friend's house. They always made sure to utilize their alone time together to catch up for all the times when there were people around. Once they finally got out of bed, they went downstairs and Olivia sat at the bar counter and messed with the radio while Luke started to make french toast for the two of them.

"You want to cut up some berries?" Luke points to the container sitting on the counter as he mixes the batter for the bread.

"I mean, I guess I can." She pulls herself off the stool and walks into the kitchen over to the cutting board beside the boy. "Is it an extra berries type of day?" She questions her boyfriend. Just as he's about to say something she cuts him off. "Wait, let me figure it out. Hmm. Yes." She studies him and he just laughs and goes back to the batter.

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