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"Hey, Ol

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"Hey, Ol. You want to invite your friends to my graduation ceremony tomorrow?" Daphne pokes her head into Olivia's room to see her sitting at her desk, scribbling words into her notebook, with a phone held to her ear by her shoulder. Olivia turns around for a second to signal a "gimme a second" motion to her older sister as she talks on the phone.

"Yes! It was so great to talk to you today! You got my email, yes. Okay, got it. September 13, thank you. Yes, I got that. Thank you so much, I'll talk with you soon." Olivia sets the phone onto the receiver and lets out a breath as she looks at her sister. "That's the fourth venue that has called me today. I'm happy that we've gotten all of them so far, but this is tiring." She finishes scribbling the details onto the page and sets her notebook down on the desk behind her.

"That's great! How many dates is that now?" Daphne sits back on the couch and spreads her arms across the back.

"Fourteen. And I still have to request to push some of them out because San Francisco and Portland requested that we play two nights. And then we're waiting on another Sixteen more. And then I'm also planning fun tourist stuff for us to do between each of the shows. Two shows a week from the beginning of September until the end of December." Olivia leans back in her desk chair and covers her face with her hands. "This is fucking crazy." She mumbles.

"I'll tell you this, you guys are gonna be crazy famous after this." Daphne smiles at her younger sister with raised eyebrows.

"I don't want to get too ahead of myself. So what were you saying earlier?" Olivia sits up and focuses her attention on her older sister that was sitting on the couch behind her.

"Oh, yeah. Do you think the guys would want to come to my graduation ceremony? I know it's not the most entertaining event, but those dorks are like brothers to me and I would love it so much if they came." Daphne leans forward and rests her elbows on her legs.

"I'm sure they would totally love to come. Gotta repay all those rides home freshman and sophomore year somehow. I'll give them a call in the morning." Olivia makes the mental note to call each of the boys when she wakes up to clear their schedules for tomorrow's event.

"Okay, great. Because I've already got the tickets for them." She stands up from the couch. "Goodnight, Ol. Go to bed early and get some sleep." Daphne leaves the younger sister's room and returns to her own.

Olivia stood up from her desk and walked over to her bed before pulling the blankets back. She crawled in and covered herself with the blankets, gripping them tightly as tears began to slip down her face. She knew 100% that she would choose the band over school any day, but it was starting to hurt. She grew up working so hard to reach the goal of going to an ivy league college and getting a career that would allow her to help people. When Crystal graduated, she and her mom told the youngest sister that they were so excited to see Olivia graduate and succeed. Olivia felt like she was breaking some type of promise with her mom as she threw away all the hard work. If she stayed on track, she would graduate as valedictorian of her class, go to some ivy league college, like Harvard or Yale, go on to get her masters degree or doctorate from another school, and get a high paying job that she would work in until she had to retire. Joining the band threw her off that track, now she was going to drop out, go on a crazy awesome tour across the west coast with her three best friends, and rise into the music industry until they got famous. She was so excited for what was to come, but she felt like she was abandoning a part of herself that was once so important to her.

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