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Here's the Orpheum Theatre Setlist so you can listen to what they sing.

"No Luke, I'm serious when I say I have a bad feeling about this place

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"No Luke, I'm serious when I say I have a bad feeling about this place. It's hard to describe it, but it's like this pit in my stomach and ugh, I just don't want any of us to get hurt on such a big night. Just let me pay for food tonight and then I'll let you guys get whatever you want next time." Tears are now falling down her face and the three boys now understand how distressed she is over this.

"Okay, okay. I understand. There's no need to cry, baby. It's okay." Luke pulls her into his chest and looks at the two other guys over her shoulder.

"Yeah, Ol. We'll have whatever you want. Just like you don't want to see anyone get hurt tonight, we don't want to see you stressed like this." Alex tells the girl as Luke pulls away from the hug and wipes away her tears with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry. I feel like a baby right now. I feel like I'm manipulating you guys right now. I'm really sorry." Olivia sniffles and Luke pulls her into his side as they continue to walk down the street, rubbing his hand up and down her arm.

"No, don't worry about it, Ol. We're completely fine getting something else." Reggie pats the girl's shoulder as he walks behind her.

"So, where we going, boss?" Luke squeezes her and she lets out a quick giggle, the boy succeeding in his mission to cheer her up again.

"I'm still good with hot dogs. I heard about this new place that just opened up the other day. We should try something there." She wipes away a final tear before looking up at her boyfriend. "It's on this street just a few blocks down." She swallows the lump in her throat and shakes the feeling of stress that she had.

"Okay, I am so glad we got these instead of those other ones. This is amazing." Reggie takes another bite from his hot dog as they walk back to the Orpheum to get ready.

"I agree, those probably would have tasted toxic considering what they were being served out of." Alex takes a bite, finishing half of his hot dog.

"Yeah, babe, thank you for getting these for us. They're amazing. Guys, remember to thank Olly for the food." He elbows Reggie in the ribs and the two nod.

"Thank you, Olivia." The two boys say in unison and the girl laughs, holding onto the hot dog that she still hadn't eaten yet.

"No problem guys. Thanks for being flexible with me. By the way, do any of you want mine? I feel like if I eat it I'm gonna be sick. Nerves have really got a hold of me all of a sudden." She holds up the hot dog, offering it to the boys, and Alex and Reggie grab both ends before ripping it in half.

"Are you okay, baby? I really want you to at least eat something before the show. I don't want you to pass out in the middle of a performance. You know how those lights are." Luke shoots thoughts out and Olivia puts her hand on his chest.

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