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"I can't believe you made me get up before my alarm, that's totally not cool at all

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"I can't believe you made me get up before my alarm, that's totally not cool at all." Alex rubs his eyes with his palms as the four all sit in the cab of Luke's truck.

"Come on, Alex! It's our last day of school, like ever! You should be totally excited right now." Olivia looks over Reggie to look at the boy sitting closest to the window.

"Yeah, and we're gonna get some coffee in you in a few minutes, so shut your mouth." Luke keeps his eyes on the road as he drives to the coffee shop near the school. "Sorry, we couldn't go to your place, babe, it's way too far from the school and these two would not wake up earlier than I made them get up." He glances to his side at the girl pressed into his side.

"No worries. Oh, I work after school today, and you would be the best boyfriend ever if you drove me!" She says with a wide smile on her face and bites her lip.

"As I have said so many times before, you two are disgustingly cute. Like I seriously can't stand it." Reggie tries to scoot away from Olivia but Alex just pushes him away from him making everyone in the car grumble.

"Yeah, I can drive you. I'll just have to stop at the grocery store after that. Just meet at the truck once school is over." Luke smiles as he continues the drive.

"You know, as happy as I am about it being our last day of school, there's something inside me that's still sad about it. This is where we spent most of our time other than band practice. It's a little sad having to say goodbye to it all." Olivia leans her head on Luke's shoulder as her smile fades into a frown.

"I mean, yeah, but we'd only have one more year of doing the same thing over and over again. It's really not that bad, Liv." Alex looks over at her and then lays his head back down on the window.

"No, Ol is right. It's like how the seniors are sad about having to say goodbye to all their younger friends. We have to say goodbye even though we're not graduating. It is a bit sad." Reggie lays his head down on Olivia's shoulder making her give him a half-grin.

"Unlike you two, I have no sadness or guilt about getting out of there. We never have to walk into a classroom again after today. We don't have to sit still and listen for forty-five minutes at a time, seven times a day. We don't have to see certain people's faces ever again. I'm fucking celebrating that." Luke drums his fingers on the steering wheel while turning into the parking lot of the small local coffee shop.

The four friends had made it through their first three class periods of the day and had finally made it to lunch. The school was doing a picnic-style lunch for everyone since it was the last day of school and the weather was nice. There was an assortment of hamburgers, hotdogs, and pizza along with chips and fruit for everyone. The entire student body was out in the courtyard with their lunches as they conversed and signed each other's yearbooks.

"I cannot be the only one who thinks that the food looks disgusting." Olivia sits down at the small blanket that the boys were sitting at. She sits on her hip and lets her legs sit folded beside her. "Clearly not because you guys already got your seconds." She places her paper bag of food among the many plates the guys had gotten.

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