Chapter 17: Animagi

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"A w... A were... A werew... Are you telling me our f**king Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is a werewolf?!" I sort of yelled. Tess just told Xenia and me that during her Divination exam she had a vision of Professor Lupin turning into a wolf...hence making him a werewolf.

"Yeah," Tess answered.

I was silent for a minute. "O...o-okay? I...I think..."

"Moranaa..." Aura said in a sort of warning tone that kinda brought chills up my spine. "Just because he's a werewolf doesn't mean you have to think of him differently. He's still the greatest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've had. So far."

"Yeah, but...but what if he transforms, and...and attacks somebody?" I said. I always had a problem with werewolves, vampires, ghouls, anything like that. They creeped me the f**k out.

"Well," Xenia said, "it is possible that he's been taking a potion every full moon so that he doesn't transform."

"Oh, okay." I nodded. Right. I forgot about that.

Tess was silent for a second. Well...she didn't speak. She was breathing heavily, looking up at the ceiling.

"T...Tess?" I asked her.

Tess gasped, then looked at the three of us with her wide eyes. "S-S-S...Sirius Black... I know where he is... I know what he's doing... I know...I know..."

"You know what?" Xenia asked.

Tess looked directly into Xenia's eyes. "I know that Sirius didn't kill Harry Potter's parents. He's not trying to kill Harry."


"B-b-but..." Xenia said as we were walking to the high tower where the Ravenclaw common room was. "But huh?"

"We still need to help them," Tess repeated. "When Trelawney was talking about the servant of the Dark Lord Aura and I thought it was Sirius. But it's somebody else. Uh...I think his name was...Peter? Peter...Pet... Peter something. I don't know exactly. But we should still help them."

"Okay," I said. "For once can we be selfish bastards and not give a f**k about Harry, Ron, or Hermione? Please?"

Aura looked at me, and gave me the death glare. "Look, you don't always have to do everything with us. That is your choice. Not ours!"

I hesitated. She was right. But...I kinda liked hanging out with them. Well...Mudblood excluded. She could be a bitch sometimes. Takes one to know one, I suppose...

"Y-you're right," I answered. "But...the only reason I'm still hanging out with you guys right now is because Xenia was gonna say something about these rings we've been wearing."

We stopped walking when we were at the door, and Xenia looked back at us. She sighed.

"Alright," Xenia began. "Well...we should probably...not sit here, about I about I go inside really quickly."

"How is a raven like a writing desk?" the eagle door knocked asked.

"Uh, bu -" Xenia said. "Bu... Okay, okay, think Xenia... be fair, it depends on the writing desk. Because if the writing desk is black, like a raven, then that would be the answer."

"Good thinking," the knocker replied. The door opened.

"Well..." Xenia said. "Uh...Tess? this gonna be dangerous?"

Tess was silent for a second. "Most likely."

"Alright. I'm, uh...gonna go...tell Lily. And I'll send Luna out if you want me, too, Aura."

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