Chapter 1: Summer Of Joy

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Hey! It's me, Morana! It's been a year since the events of the Chamber of Secrets started. I need to tell you something very important that happened before the next school year! Well, I don't know if it's really important to you...but it's important to me.

So this is the reason why I call this chapter 'Summer of Joy'.

It was just a normal July afternoon. I was in my room reading a fictional book about this amazing bad ass witch as I was laying on my back and leaning against a pillow on my bed. Michael was on the floor in my bedroom playing with BellaBee and his dog, Tom. My dad was doing some stuff on the first floor before he had to go to work the next day. I thought the day was going to be completely normal.

Until someone knocked on the door.

It was so loud that Michael and I heard it. And we were on the third floor! I stopped reading and sat up. Michael stopped what he was doing. BellaBee and Tom jumped onto my bed, BellaBee on my lap and Tom on the pillow that I was leaning on.

"Who's that?" Michael whispered to me.

"I don't know," I answered, "but there's no need to whisper. Come on." Michael and I went down the stairs onto the second floor. When we got to the second set of steps we peeked our heads around the corner so we could see the door.

"Who could that be?" Dad asked himself. He walked over to the door and opened it. My dad looked a little surprised with wide eyes when he opened the door. Michael and I couldn't see who was on the other side, because Dad didn't open the door all the way.

"Hello, Cornelius," my father said. My eyes widened. "What brings you here?"

"I'm on business," Cornelius Fudge answered my father. "I can't stay long, but I have a few things for you." Michael and I looked at each other, then back at Dad. Dad had his eyes wider than before and smiled.

"Thank you!" Dad said. "Thank you so much, Cornelius! Morana and Michael will be excited!"

"You're welcome," Cornelius said. "Well, I must go." I heard a popping sound, and my dad looked out of the door for a second, smiling, then shut it.

Dad started going upstairs when he saw Michael and me at the stairs.

"Ana!" Dad said happily. "Mike! Come outside! I have something to show you!"

"Can't you show us inside?" I asked.

"I can't carry both of them," my father smiled. Michael and I walked down the stairs and I opened the door. Michael and I both gasped when we saw what was outside.

Outside was my sister, Melissa Drax, and my mother, Miranda Drax! I couldn't believe it! Especially since my mom was supposed to have her soul taken out of her!

My mom, Miranda, had the same dark brown hair color that I do, and dark sapphire blue eyes like Michael. Her eyes, however, weren't the same shape as the rest of ours. My mom looked a little younger than her age; my mom would have been forty by then, and she looked about ten years younger. She was wearing a red long-sleeved dress that went about to her knees with red flats.

Melissa was now seventeen. She looked even more beautiful than I will ever look. Melissa had light brown hair like dad and light green eyes like him, too. Some of her hair was in her face, just some smaller strands that usually stayed close to her face. Melissa wore a black long-sleeved dress that went to the middle of her thighs. Her sleeves were lacy with some of the lace shaped as flowers. She also wore black high heels and was holding a small black handbag.

"You got dressed up for the occasion," I told Melissa and my mom with a huge smile.

"I haven't seen my children in four years," my mom said. "Of course I would dress up for the occasion!" Michael and I hugged Mom at the same time.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Melissa asked. My dad walked through the door and hugged Melissa. "That's better," she said smiling into our father's shoulder.

We didn't move for a minute. My mom kissed my head and Michael's, and Dad kissed Melissa's head. After a while Michael and I let go of Mom and Dad let go of Melissa. Michael and I hugged Melissa for a minute and Dad Mom.

After a while Dad said, "How about we go inside and have lunch?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUMMER OF JOY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Thank you, Greengrass," I told my house-elf after she gave me another drink.

I know what you're thinking. 'Why is Morana being nice to a house-elf if she's mean to everybody else?' My mom and dad taught me at a young age to only be nice to family, house-elves (so that they don't betray you), and purebloods (and sometimes half-bloods) that got sorted into Slytherin. Now you know why I was nice to Dobby last year. And the other girls did too since I told them on the Hogwarts Express.

It was the first time that all of the Draxes had a meal together in four years. Mom and Mels thought that everybody should tell each other what had happened in four years since they've been gone.

Dad didn't say much, just what had happened with work and whatever. Just boring stuff like he got a promotion, blah blah blah. Oh, and that he had tried multiple times to bail the two out of Azkaban. They didn't take the bail money to let them out, but they did take our money and we almost became broke. Then Dad started working overtime and that's since been fixed.

Michael said that he liked this one girl that he was friends with, until he found out that she was a half-blood. Although if you love somebody I don't necessarily think that blood status matters. I is uncontrollable, and I think that if you fall in love with somebody there's a reason behind it that's not blood status. Although blood status helps.

Mom told us how horrible Azkaban was and to never go on the Dark Lord's side and get caught. Mostly the not-getting-caught part.

"I never got to be like a normal teenager," Mels told us. "But I'm okay with that. Dumbledore said that I was no longer expelled from Hogwarts, that he was giving me a second chance. He's giving me work to do over the summer, then I have to do extra work while I'm going to school. This will be my last year at Hogwarts, and I want to make it the best. Especially since my little sister's going to be there, too."

"Not much happened to me," I shrugged after my mother asked about my life. "I went to Hogwarts, got sorted into Slytherin, nothing happened in my first year. Nothing exciting, anyways. But...I need to tell you about my second year."

I told my family all about what had happened in the first story that I told you, The Chamber of Secrets Through Another's Eyes. Mike looked excited with sparkling wide eyes, Mels looked envious that stuff like that never happened to her with a frown and her arms crossed, and Mom and Dad looked surprised and angry at the same time...somehow. Mom was more angry with a frown and Dad looked more surprised with a raised eyebrow.  

"Why did you become best friends with a Mudblood, a half-blood from Hufflepuff, and a blood traitor?" Mom asked me calmly.

"Mom!" I said. "The Mudblood? She's not my friend! I just hung around with them so I could bully her. The half-blood? She told me things about the present and future that nobody else ever told me! I was interested on what happened! She gets visions that I've never seen any other witch or wizard have. The blood traitor? She's a Malfoy."

"A Malfoy?" my dad asked.

"I didn't know there was a Malfoy that didn't care about blood purity," Mels said. "The only person I can think of would probably be Sirius Black. Well, he wasn't a Malfoy, but his cousin married into the Malfoy family."

"Her name is Aura," I said. "Aura Malfoy. Daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Twin sister of Draco Malfoy."

"Ah," Mom nodded. "That explains it. Narcissa and Sirius are cousins, right? Well, maybe that's why Aura got sorted into Gryffindor. Is she anything like her brother?"

"Their eyes look similar," I answered with a shrug. "They both have grey eyes like Lucius. If there's anything Slytherin about her I haven't seen it. But...Mom? Mels? Why did they let you out of Azkaban?"

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