Chapter 21: Wattpad Hates Me So I Can't Write The Title

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Hey, guys! This chapter title was too long, too, so here's the real chapter title:

Chapter 21: Hermione's Secret That Nobody Really Knew, Which Would Make It A Secret

Enjoy!! :)

HERMIONE'S SECRET THAT NOBODY REALLY KNEW, WHICH WOULD MAKE IT A SECRET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We had all decided to go closer to Hogwarts, and we all sat on the ground. I was shaking, my eyes wide. I was scared. My visions...

Now that Peter Pettigrew has escaped the Dark Lord shall rise soon...

If he didn't leave the Dark Lord wouldn't have risen until we were almost adults. But now...

"Tess?" Aura asked me, leaning forward towards me. Her eyes showed concern. "Are you okay?"

I sniffled. "I...I'm not sure. In my one vision, if Peter Pettigrew escaped the Dark Lord would rise...well...before we turn sixteen..."

"Oh," Morana said kinda quietly.

"And if he didn't," I continued, "we'd almost be adults when he came back..."

"But he did..." Xenia said. "So...the Dark destined to return before we go into our sixth year?"

I looked at my friends (I'm, uh, sorta including Morana here) sadly. "Yes."

We were all silent.

"Well..." Morana began, "on that happy note, we should go inside. It's pretty late."

HERMIONE'S SECRET THAT NOBODY REALLY KNEW, WHICH WOULD MAKE IT A SECRET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We went inside the castle, and were found by Professor Sprout.

"What are you ladies doing here?" she asked us. "Wondering the corridors at night..."

Come up with a lie... I thought.

"Well," Aura began, "I noticed that Hermione Granger wasn't in the dormitory with me, and I got these three to help me look for her."

Thank God she lied. I'm not the best at lying, nor do I like it...

Professor Sprout sighed. "Very well. Hermione Granger is in the Hospital Wing, along with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. Now, off to bed! All of you! Before I take points off!"

"Yes, Professor Sprout," we all said in unison. We all turned around, and walked in the opposite direction.

"Good lying back there," I whispered to Aura.

"Thanks," Aura whispered back with a smile.

"Seriously!" Morana whispered. "I almost believed you!"

"So, should we go back to our common rooms and get some sleep like Professor Sprout asked us to do?" Xenia asked. "I mean...I don't know about you, but I don't want any points taken away."

"Well..." I began. "Normally I'd agree with you, Xenia, but...I don't know. I feel like...I feel like something's gonna happen. With Hermione and Harry. And I wanna help."

"Okay," Aura nodded. "Let's do that, then. We should sneak up to the Hospital Wing."

Morana held up her left hand, and wiggled her fingers with a smirk. "Invisibility, anyone?"

HERMIONE'S SECRET THAT NOBODY REALLY KNEW, WHICH WOULD MAKE IT A SECRET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we were up at the Hospital Wing, we heard Professor Dumbledore speaking, "Yes, I do. But I have no power to make other men see the truth, or to overrule the Minister of Magic... What we need is more time."

The Prisoner Of Azkaban Through Another's EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ