Chapter 8: The Fat Lady's Run

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So, uh, after that Defense Against The Dark Arts lesson I was walking around Hogwarts. I don't really remember why, but I do remember that I accidentally (literally) bumped into Luna Lovegood.

"Oh my God!" I said to her, helping her pick up her books I knocked out of her hand. "I-I'm so sorry! I-I'm such a klutz sometimes! I-I-I'm really sorry."

"No no," she said. "It's alright. I wasn't quite paying attention either." Luna smiled at me, turning around to walk away.

Then I had the courage, and or the stupidity, to ask Luna a question.

"Luna?" I called.

She turned around to face me. "Yes, Aura?"

"Um..." My heart fluttered when she said my name, but now that I was gonna ask her this question my heart was pounding like I was facing my death. "Will you...will you know, Will you go out with me?, uh, on a date or whatever? I-it's okay if you say no because...maybe you don't like girls, o-or you feel like you're too young. I-I was just wondering."

I winced internally, thinking that I should not have said that.

Luna was just staring at me. "Um...a-actually I-I would...I would like that, yeah." She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling.

"Oh. O-okay. Y-yeah. So, um...yeah."

"See you around, Aura." She turned around and started skipping a little.

"S-see you around...Luna..." I sighed. Then I smiled widely. "Oh my God," I mouthed to myself. I couldn't stop smiling. Maybe I was glad my tongue hadn't listened to my brain for once.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE FAT LADY'S RUN~~~~~~~~~~~

"Morana. Morana. Morana. Morana." I kept bugging Morana the next day at breakfast. I was standing right behind her as she was sitting down at the Slytherin table. I kept my voice in a hushed tone.

"Oh my god," she muttered. She turned around to look at me. "What?" she asked sternly.

"Can I -" I cleared my throat. "Can I talk to you for a second? Alone. Like now."

Morana sighed. "Fine. Give me a sec."

"Look at the state of his robes," Draco said in a loud whisper, pointing his chin at Lupin. "He dresses like our old house-elf."

I looked at Draco. "Now now. No need to insult." Draco just looked back at me. "Dobby's clothes were much better looking."

"Oh!" some of the Slytherins hollered. Some of them started laughing. I blushed, slightly embarrassed.

Morana looked at me, her jaw slightly dropped. "Okay," she said. "We can talk. Come on." Morana and I walked away towards the door. "Okay, what the hell was that?"

"I-I don't know," I said. "Honestly. I just..."

Morana was staring at me, a smirk on her face.


"Your inner Slytherin's showin'."

"What? No, no it's not."

"Did you think that you were gonna say it?"

"No! I just - said it."


I glared at Morana.

"Anyway, you wanted to talk?"

"Oh! Yes!" I smiled widely. "Ummm...remember...remember how I said I liked this one girl, Luna Lovegood?"

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