Chapter 10: The Surprise At Hogsmeade

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Sorry for ending the last chapter in, like, a dramatic ending, but it was the truth! We didn't know what it was! (And honestly we didn't find out until fifth year.)

In November, Xenia and Tess went up against each other in Quidditch. Ravenclaw won. But that was okay. Tess didn't mind. She was okay with it. She beat Gryffindor. She's fine. Although, seeing as the match was near Tess's birthday Xenia could've let her win. I mean, that's what I would've done with a friend.

Close to Christmas, so after Tess and Xenia's birthdays and after Aura's first date with Luna, we went back to Hogsmeade.

My hair was turning back to its original color, but my mom sent me a potion to take. So it was still blue.

Anyway, it was really cold, so everyone bundled up. It started to snow as we were leaving. I wasn't hanging out with my Slytherin friends. I was walking quietly with Aura, Tess, and Xenia. We didn't talk. We just giggled as the snow fell. We were giggling because we would put our heads up and try to eat the snow.

When we got to Hogsmeade, Aura, Tess, Xenia, and I went into Honeyduke's to get some sweets. We spent a lot of money. We ate everything that we bought. We got stomach aches later, but it was worth it.

When we were getting out of Honeyduke's, once we were finished with our food, Xenia was trying to tell us these Muggle jokes that made no sense.

"Why was six afraid of seven?" Xenia asked Aura.

"I...don't know," Aura answered. "Why was six afraid of seven?"

Xenia was giggling. "'Cause seven eight nine!"

We were all laughing a little bit, but I was wondering who came up with that. It was a pretty weird joke. It sounded like she said ''cause seven ate nine', but it was just her saying numbers.

While walking out of Honeyduke's I saw Draco and Pansy walking together...and holding hands

"Hey," Aura whispered to me. "I could hex her. Pansy. Make her nose bigger."

I sighed. "No," I whispered back. "She might have started dating my crush, but she's my best friend."

I then saw Draco kiss Pansy's nose. I growled, and walked away to the Three Broomsticks. I got a drink with the three other narrators, and we sat at a table. We were on our...second? third?...drink of butterbeer when Draco came into the Three Broomsticks. Alone.

"Hey, Morana," Draco said seriously. "Can I talk to you?"

I took a sip of my butterbeer. I finished my drink, and put my cup down, before I answered.


"Morana..." his voice sounded softer. "Please? I want to talk to you."

I sighed. "Fine," I said tensely.

I stood up, and followed him out of the Three Broomsticks. I heard people walking behind us. Must've been Aura, Tess, and Xenia. I didn't hear the footsteps anymore once Draco took me to this area of land and plants.

"Why haven't you been talking to me?" Draco faced me once we stopped walking.

"It's just..." I struggled to find the words. I sighed instead. "Nevermind. You wouldn't understand."

"Just tell me," Draco said kind of sternly.

"It's just - you and Pansy -"

"This has nothing to do with Pansy!" Draco yelled angrily.

"Well then, you obviously don't know what's wrong!" I yelled back. "God, boys are so stupid."

"Umm, what?!"

"You heard me!" I yelled a little louder. "Boys don't understand some things even if it's staring them right in the face!"

"Just..." Draco sighed. "Just tell me what's wrong," Draco spoke calmer.

I was silent for a moment. "Look, I just - I just can't -" I sighed. "Look. Draco, I like you. you. I just...and Pansy knew...but then you two... I'm sorry. I should go."

I started walking away. When I was stepping with my left foot my left arm was back. Draco grabbed my left wrist, pulled me closer to him, and...and... He sort of gave me a...


He kissed me! I couldn't believe it! I also didn't want to stop, so I...sort of...kissed him back.

When we were done kissing Draco looked at me and said, "Don't tell Pansy."

I smiled. "I wouldn't dream of it. Just...promise me that you'll never...never break my trust again. Or-or my heart."

Draco kissed me again. "I promise. And I'm really sorry for-for doing that... That's why I kept apologizing for him..."

I smiled. "No, it's okay. You can make it up to me."

Draco laughed slightly. "Alright." He kissed me on the nose, then started walking away.

"Draco!" I called after him.

He turned around, smiling. "Yes, Morana?"

"Are we..." I was smiling more than I ever had before. "Are we like a-a thing now?"

"If you want us to be."

I nodded. "Yeah. I'd like that. Just...try breaking up with Pansy. Please."

"I'll try my best." Draco walked away.

I found Aura, Tess, and Xenia hiding behind a tree. When Draco was gone they walked closer to me.

Aura was smiling. Tess was grinning. And I couldn't tell what Xenia's facial expression was. Maybe shock. I was still smiling.

I had won. Pansy would cry. Pansy would be defeated. I kind of felt bad since she's my best friend. But...I also didn't. That bitch would pay.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE SURPRISE AT HOGSMEADE~~~

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