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  When the bathroom door closed, Sunoo fell on his knee. His eyes teared up from the shock he just experienced. What is going in with Sunghoon? Why did he do this? Lots of thought were playing in his head.

  He stopped crying and took a warm shower. He heard a knock and Sunghoon's voice telling him he has his clothes. He told Sunghoon to leave his clothes at the door.

   He finished taking a shower and changed into the clothes Sunghoon brought for him. He noticed the older's shirt, he just wore it. He stepped outside and saw Sunghoon sitting on the sofa with towels on his lap.

   Jay, Jake and Jungwon were sitting at the dining table. Talking about something he couldn't quite hear.

  "Sunoo, come here," Sunghoon called. He could visibly see how the three of them flinched. He just ignores it and went to Sunghoon.

   "Hyung..." He sat beside him and Sunghoon pulled him to sit on his lap. He took the towel and began to dry Sunoo's hair. Sunoo just let him and the other boy just kept quiet as he dries Sunoo's hair.

   Sunoo hugged him and put his head on his shoulder. Sunghoon left the towel on top of Sunoo's head and wrapped his arms around his waist. Then Sunoo began to cry quietly. Sunghoon just pats his back and whispering sorry again and again to the younger one.

   Sunoo's sobs becoming louder and louder. Jay, Jungwon and Jake stood up to look at him. Sunghoon glared at them as if to say that he got it. Then Sunoo calmed after what seems like 10 minutes and stayed in Sunghoon's arms.

   Sunghoon pulled Sunoo away slowly to look at his face. Sunoo eyes and nose were red from crying, his cheeks were slightly flushed. Sunghoon wiped the remaining stray tears with his thumbs. "Don't cry Ddeonu, I'm sorry I did that." He apologised. "Hic, H-Hyung, hic-" Sunghoon pulled him back into a hug.

   "I won't do that ever again if you promise me one thing." He whispered. Sunoo nodded with his head still buried in the crook of Sunghoon's neck. "Don't let anyone other than me hug you, okay?" Sunoo just nodded, he doesn't know what the older will do if he disagrees with him.

   The other three at the table felt their heart drop into their stomach hearing what Sunghoon said.

   "Jay, this is bad." Jake voiced his thoughts. "Yeah I know it's bad, this is the first time I ever saw Sunghoon acting like this," Jay whispered.

   Jungwon just stared at the two on the couch. "So what do we do?" Jungwon asked. He knew he had to do something as a leader, but this kind of things is way too complicated for him to do by himself.

   The two stayed quiet before Jay told them to leave it and see if it's going to become a serious problem. Jake opened his mouth to protest, but the Jungwon said okay. The three of them ate the cold ramyeon on the table while Sunghoon is still cradling Sunoo in his arms.


Obsession [PART 1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat