The Shift

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   Something changed between the two of them. Every morning in their dorm, before their manager arrived, or most of the members wake up, Sunghoon would be on the sofa, lost in his thoughts and simply spacing out.

    Sunoo woke up early that day and went to the toilet before noticing Sunghoon in the living room. He checked the clock and it was 6 AM.

   Jay, Jungwon and him were supposed to go to the school at 8 AM. Their manager usually arrives at 9 AM for their practice.

   Sunoo glanced at him before deciding to go back to sleep, but then Sunghoon stopped him. "Sunoo." He called. Sunoo turned around and saw him with his arms spread around. Feeling sleepy, he just went to Sunghoon, sit on his lap and hug him.

    He was about to stand up and continue his sleep when Sunghoon tightened his hold, stopping him from doing so.

   "Hyung, I'm sleepy." He told him groggily. "Then sleep, I'll wake you up when you need to get ready for school." He told him and continue hugging him. Sunoo just sighed in defeat and slept on top of the older one.

   Jungwon woke up and wake Jay up for school. Both of them wasn't expecting to see two of their members hugging on the sofa. "Hoon what are you doing?" Jay asked rubbing his eyes under his glasses. Sunoo stirred in his sleep and Sunghoon caressed his back in an attempt to let the younger sleep more. But Sunoo woke up and looked at the clock.

    "Hyung I need to get ready." He told him and move away from him. Jay sat beside Sunghoon who is now hugging a pillow.

     "Hoon, what's going on?" Jay asked genuinely, feeling like something is wrong with his friends. "Nothing, I just want to hug Sunoo." He told Jay. Jay looked at him with a frown and sighed. "You do you I guess." He said and stand up to get ready for school.

   Sunoo was done and the three of them were about to left before Sunghoon called his name. Sunoo saw his arms spreading. He gave him a quick hug and said goodbye. Jungwon and Jay just looked at their exchange and giving looks at each other. Jay just shrugs his shoulders and Jungwon did the same.

   While walking to their car, both of them asked Sunoo what is going on between the two of them. "I don't even know myself, Sunghoon Hyung kept asking me for hugs." He told them.

     "Sunghoon Hyung asked you for hugs?" Jungwon repeated, shocked at the sudden information. "Not you?" Jay asked him. Sunoo shakes his head. "But why?" Jungwon add.

   "Maybe he's feeling lonely?" Sunoo tried to reason. "Nah, Sunghoon wouldn't do that kind of thing when he's lonely," Jay told him. The three of them talked about the sudden change in Sunghoon. Sunoo told them that he's sure this is only a one time things. He was absolutely wrong about that.

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