
" These gardens have been with the house for years," Mrs. Brambilla announced. Colorful flowers dotted everything, everyone departed from the group and ventured into the gardens. " Shall we?" Antonio asked holding out his arm. I looked at him, the last time I was with a guy I got fingered. " You can trust me,"  Antonio reassured me. " It's not you I don't trust," I informed. I slid my arm around Antonio, he pulled me closer to his warm frame.
                              - - -
The moon hung high and In the sky, everything looked white and beautiful. " I remembered when my mom planted these," Antonio said as we continued to walk. I looked at a patch of lilies, they looked stunning in the moonlight. " How old we're you?" I asked. " Ten," Antonio answered. " My mom used to spend days out here, my father had to always order her to come inside and get cleaned for dinner." My heart hardened, why were men so brutal to their wife's. Yes, being in the mafia wasn't always easy. But in order to even start a family, the wife has to do most of the work. " You have four brothers?" Antonio asked. " Yeah," I answered. Antonio smiled, I looked at him, " what?" " You don't sound so pleased with your answer." I sighed, " I spent most of my life with my mom. My brothers and my dad were always out doing work, I never spent time with them." Antonio nodded, " they seemed pretty close to you at the dinner the first time you came to Milan." " That's because they found out about my arrangement that night," I explained. Antonio looked at me, " your father didn't tell you about any of this?" " No, that night I met you as the first time I heard about the arrangement." Antonio looked forward, he scoffed and shook his head.

We walked in silence before I spoke out. " When did you meet Sophia?" Antonio's face remained unphased by my question. " I met her at a work dinner with my family," Antonio answered. " We talked and I realized we had a lot in common." " She looks like a amazing person," I said. " When did you meet her?" " The same night I first met you," I answered. " We didn't exactly hit it off." Antonio grinned, " what happened?" I sighed and showed him the nail prints on my arm. Antonio chuckled, " you two get into a cat fight or something?" " She got pissed off when she found out we," I paused. I felt weird and uncomfortable taking some girls man. Sophia found Antonio first and fell in love with him, now my dumb ass is marrying him. " Don't worry about her," Antonio said. " You two were literally going to elope and get married, why is that something someone shouldn't worry about?" I asked. I looked at Antonio, " you loved her and you had to push her away for someone else." Antonio looked at me, " I was young and naive, it wouldn't have worked out anyway." I scoffed, " it would've worked out if you stayed with her and didn't put up with your parent's bullshit." Antonio smiled, " do you talk this way around your parents?" I held back a smile, " yeah." Antonio chuckled, " and they're okay with it?" " My mom's over trying to correct me, but I swear my dads going to end up beating me to death if I keep acting this way." Antonio's smile faded off his face, " what?" I asked concerned. " Your father is a ruthless pig," Antonio said. I raised my eyebrows, Antonio looked at me. " Sorry," he said. " Why are you apologizing?" I asked. " I honestly couldn't agree with you more." Antonio grinned, " your mom didn't seem to be pleased with your dad and I's argument during dinner." I sighed, " my mom knows once my father is arguing with someone things will get out of control." " I've argued with plenty of people, your dad's nothing compared to what I deal with daily," Antonio informed. I scoffed, " is that because you end up killing people who don't give you what you want?" Antonio chuckled, " more or less."
                               - - -
I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into my bedroom. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. Suddenly, I jumped as my souls left my body. Antonio sat on my bed, shirtless. I spun around and looked at him, " what uh, what are you doing in here?" My hair stuck to my face, water slipped down my arms. Antonio stared at me and said calmly, " my jacket." I frowned, " what?" Antonio stood up and walked towards me. Without thinking, I stumbled backwards and bumped into my desk. I stared up at Antonio who was looking down at me. His eyes pierced  into mine, I froze. " You have my jacket," Antonio said calmly. I continued to stare at him, the towel covering my body began to fail at its job. Thalia his fucking jacket, behind you! A voice in my head yelled. I blinked, " yes, uh." I spun around and grabbed the black suit jacket on my desk chair and turned back around. Antonio kept his eyes on me, my skin began to tingle. " Here," I said, knowing my voice cracked slightly. Antonio took the jacket, I awkwardly sighed. " Good night," Antonio said. My body wasn't in the right mind set to say good night to Antonio, I couldn't even think clearly with his perfectly toned body inches away from me. " Good night," I eventually said. Antonio's eyes lingered down to my neck but stopped before looking back at me. He then turned around and I swore he grinned. I watched as he walked out of my room and closed the door behind him.

I gripped the chair behind me and caught my breathe. What the hell was wrong with me? Antonio literally had two sides to him. One, the calm gentleman who would make sure your okay, walk with you, and be absolutely patient with anyone. Then two, the man who could seduce you with his eyes and alluring tone and voice. I'm guessing people only saw his gentleman side, and I'm happy they did. Because I knew as a fact, I'd be seeing the dark side of him soon.

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