Merry Christmas

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The last chapter! I'm going to get a bit sentimental for sec, guys. This is the first fic I started writing and it's really the end of an era. I'm actually sad that it's ending, but I'm also really proud of it.


Cheryl was buckling in for the three hour flight to Miami, Florida. Her and Toni were visiting her mother for Christmas, and staying until a few days after the New Year. She was excited and nervous. She hadn't been on a plane since she came back to her hometown, and she was extremely nervous to meet her future mother in law.

"Whatcha thinking about, babe?" Toni asked from beside her.

"Meeting your mom. I'm so nervous. I just hope she likes me," she responded with a small smile.

Toni gave her a peck on the lips, "She's going to love you. She already does, actually. Everytime we Facetime or she calls me, she just gushes over you. It'll be fine, I promise." She eyed her fiance once more before saying, "Something else is wrong, though. What is it?"

With a pout, Cheryl answered, "I miss the kids, and it's so stupid, because we were literally with them a few hours ago and all morning."

It was true. The two women had been woken up early Christmas morning by two excited twins who wanted to open presents and then go open more presents with their grandparents, aunt and uncle. Amber was shocked to open a small camera, after asking Toni if she could teach her about photography. She also opened quite a few art supplies, as well. William had gotten a few books about survival, as well as a new winter sleeping bag, pocket knife, and a fancy cook set that Toni claimed was 'top of the line'.

Toni leaned in, kissing the pout away. "They'll be spending extra time with Alice, FP, Betty, Sweets, Jug, Nana and Gramps for the next nine days. I'm sure they'll be fine. And you can always call them."

With a sigh, Cheryl agreed. "You're right. I know. I just didn't think this whole parenting thing would be so and enjoyable."

"Yeah, same. But we kick ass at it, don't we? We're the ones taking them to school, as well as dance and boy scouts. We're awesome parents, Cher," Toni finished with a smile, as the plane started to move.

As they were ascending, Cheryl couldn't help but to fiddle with her engagement ring, all of the memories from that wonderful moment coming back to her mind.

It was December 1st, when Toni decided she wanted to take everyone to Sweetwater River to get some family photos, and photos of the kids for Christmas cards. There was fresh snow on the ground from the night before, as the little family of four stomped through it with their snow boots. They were walking down the familiar trail as Toni led the way with her camera bag over one shoulder, carrying her tripod in her hand.

The Serpent Queen glanced around at the trees, looking for the perfect spot for some shots of the kids. Stopping after a few yards, she directed Amber and William on how to stand and how to turn their faces at just the right angle, with their heads slightly raised. Her favorite photo of the two ended up being one with Amber on William's back, both in a fit of laughter after Amber had given her brother a wet willy, before she playfully pushed him into the snow, calling him a 'wet willy'.

They walked a bit further, coming up to the bench that her and Cheryl had claimed as 'their bench'. Toni took some photos with Cheryl and the kids, before handing the camera to Amber to take some of her and her girlfriend. The settings were already adjusted to where they needed to be. They had been in a shaded area, thanks to the tall trees, so she didn't have to worry about the snow being too reflective.

"Just like I showed you, remember?" Toni said as she placed the strap over the young redhead's neck.

"I remember, Aunt Toni," she responded with a giggle, as her brother stood beside her.

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