Door #2

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Toni has another chat with Nick...or two. And there's a bit of a plot twist. I think you guys will REALLY like this chapter.

⚠️TW: Mentions of rape⚠️

Toni woke up the next morning, her face buried in the fiery red hair of the woman she loved. She smiled to herself, not daring to move. As she inhaled the scent of cherry blossom shampoo, she also She listened to her surroundings, not wanting to move as she heard the frying sounds of a skillet and noises coming from the kitchen. Nana Rose she thought.

She wasn't sure what time it was, but she laid there for a few more minutes until Cheryl rolled over in her arms. She wanted to trace those plump lips with her finger, but also really didn't want to move. Cheryl's eyes slowly opened, meeting Toni's as a smile spread across her face.

Cheryl looked over the other woman's face before saying, "Good morning, my love."

Toni smiled and said, "Good morning," in return, before placing a kiss to Cheryl's lips. She looked into light brown eyes, thinking about the night before and how far they had come in the short time that they had known each other. "I love you," she finally whispered, causing Cheryl to giggle.

"And I love you, TT." Cheryl moved her hand to cup Toni's cheek before kissing her again. Breaking them from their moment, they heard Nana Rose say, "Okay, you two. There's plenty of time for that after you eat these crepes I made," followed by a laugh.

The two women sighed at having to stop laying in bed, being tangled in each other. They ate breakfast with Nana Rose and Toni cleaned up the dishes while the two Blossom women talked about what was to come with Nick, Penny and the Blossom's.

Once everything was done, Toni took a quick shower and changed into her usual ripped jeans and wore a button up v-neck with her Serpents jacket. She needed to go back down to the basement and talk to Nick a little more before talking to Penny next.

She checked herself out in the full length mirror in her closet before heading back out to the Blossom women sitting on the couch, joining them. "What do you have planned for today, TT? Assuming you'll be downstairs all day."

"That was my plan, yeah. I was going to have another chat with Nick. You can join me, if you want. And then I'll talk with Penny. Probably have a few beers, because I fucking deserve it." She chuckled at the last part.

"Indeed you do, babe." Cheryl said to the woman sitting next to her. "I think I'm good, though. I feel like I've said my peace and I have closure. If I change my mind, I'll let you know."

"Alright, well if you two need anything, just text me. Or get ahold of Sweet Pea or Fangs. And Nana, thank you so much for breakfast. It was amazing. I can only get this one to make pancakes." She gestured to Cheryl with her thumb.

"Hey! You like it when I make pancakes!" the redhead teased, getting a laugh from Toni.

"It was my pleasure, Dearie. Is there anymore wine?"

Toni's eyes slightly widened as she looked at the time on her phone. "Nana, it's barely eleven. And no, but I can have one of the guys pick some up for you. Or I can leave my card and Cheryl can order whatever you guys want."

"It's twelve o'clock somewhere, dear. And once it's twelve o'clock here, well...I start drinking." Nana told her with a sly grin.

Toni gave the redhead her card, telling her to order whatever they wanted and to get something for lunch if they wanted to. Cheryl walked the Serpent to the door for a goodbye kiss and "please be careful, TT," she said as she played with the zipper of Toni's jacket.

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