16: Cue The Toxic Twins

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Welcome back, everyone! There's a lot of fluff in this chapter, so hopefully you enjoy that. I'm saving the angst for later ;)

Toni woke up to an early 7am alarm, laying on her side with a pale arm wrapped around her waist and another under her neck, she reached over and hit snooze. Cheryl nuzzled into her hair, and pulled her closer than before, which only caused Toni to melt into the taller girl. Instead of falling back asleep, she traced random patterns on the arm under her neck, moving from the redheads fingers to the long scar donning her forearm.

She hadn't realized that she had woken up Cheryl by doing this, but the redhead didn't seem to mind, and just pretended she was asleep. Toni very gently moved to place soft kisses up and down the scar, then she turned over to place a kiss on Cheryl's forehead before getting up and headed for the bathroom.

Cheryl opened her eyes as soon as she heard the door close and smiled to herself, wondering how she got so lucky to have Toni in her life. She got up and walked over to the closet, finding Toni's purple flannel that she loved and put it on on top of her t-shirt. The redhead wandered into the kitchen to start coffee and make something for breakfast. She looked into the fridge for a few minutes before deciding on eggs and toast.

Breakfast was done and Toni still hadn't come out of the bathroom, which worried Cheryl. She walked over and knocked on the door, "TT? Are you okay? I made breakfast." There was a pause before, "Yeah, I'm good, Cher. Just taking a bath."

"Oh, alright. Do you want me to bring you coffee or anything?"

"No, it's alright. I'll get some when I'm done." Cheryl walked back to the kitchen, finding it quite odd that Toni was taking a bath so early in the morning, and the fact that the door was locked. She put Toni's plate in the microwave and sat at the island to eat, writing in her notebook while she waited for Toni.

Twenty minutes later, Toni appeared in the kitchen, grabbing a mug out of the cabinet. "Nice, shirt, babe."

Cheryl looked up to respond as she shut her notebook, but was in a state of shock, "Toni! What did you do with your beautiful hair?!"

The shorter girl poured her coffee and slowly turned around, feeling and looking extremely guilty. "Well, I dyed it close to my natural color, in case Penny told your parents that I had pink hair, or she called me the infamous nickname, Pink Smurfette. I promise, it's for the best and I'll dye it back in a month or so."

"You better. It's my favorite." Cheryl pouted. "Your plate is in the microwave, by the way."

Toni smiled at the redhead before grabbing her food and sitting next to Cheryl. "And you in my clothes is my favorite." she smirked and kissed Cheryl's cheek, "Thank you for breakfast, too."

Toni finished her breakfast while her and Cheryl spoke mindlessly about random things, before an idea came to Cheryl's mind. "Do you think we could go visit your grandfather before we go to Thistlehouse?"

"You want to visit my grandpa?" Toni asked, almost a bit surprised at Cheryl's question. "I do, Toni. And there's something I think you should know, that my Nana told me yesterday." Cheryl told Toni that story that her Nana told her about being in love with Toni's grandfather, Thomas when they were younger and how them finding each other is fate. Or so Nana says. "Holy shit." was all that came out of Toni's mouth, almost in a whisper. "I know, it's crazy." Cheryl agreed.

"Okay, yeah. We can go see him. We just need to pack up some clothes, and you need to help me find an outfit. What are going to wear?" Toni asked.

"Well, I packed a few dresses, but I don't have anything that will cover my tattoo, or my scar..."

"Cher, you are so beautiful and so are your scars, okay? But we can order something from a store at the mall and have Betty pick it up before she comes to Thistlehouse. How does that sound?"

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