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Thank you @crackheadgirl2002  for letting me bounce ideas off of you <3

Soooo what was the BANG???? Let's find out, shall we? 


"Toni, what was that?!" Cheryl asked with a shaky voice, clutching onto the other woman's arm.

"I...I think it was a gunshot. Stay here. Take Nana and hide in the bathroom or closet." Toni kissed the redhead before getting up and quickly throwing on a pair of jeans, boots and her Serpent jacket.

"Please be careful, Anoinette." Nana Rose told her before she walked out the door.

Toni was running down the steps to the bar. The bar had closed a few hours before, shortly before she had gone back upstairs. She ran to the basement door, quickly but carefully going down the stairs. The hallway was empty. It wasn't supposed to be empty. Leftie was supposed to be on duty. Where the fuck is he?

She slowly moved down the hallway, finding the first two doors closed. She got to the third door, Penelope's, and saw that the door leading outside was open. There wasn't any noise, but she was definitely concerned. She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out her switchblade before taking her phone out of her back pocket and calling Sweet Pea. It rang four times before he answered.

"Hello?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Pea." Toni whispered. "There was a gunshot at the bar. Is Jason with you?"

Jason had recently gone back to Thistlehouse with his kids, since the Ghoulies hadn't been a threat to them yet. Sweet Pea, Jughead, and a few other Serpents were staying on the grounds, as well, staying out of Thornhill until Toni and FP would decide that it was time for the authorities to get involved.

"He should be. He was here a few hours ago. Let me check."

Toni slowly creeped along the wall of the basement hallway, waiting for her right hand man to see if Jason was at Thistlehouse.

"T...he, uh...he's not here. His room is empty and I didn't see him downstairs."

"Fuck!" Toni whisper yelled. "Get your ass here as soon as you can. Bring Jug and call Fangs for backup. FP, too."

"Got it. Be safe, T."

They hung up and Toni finished making her way to the basement door that led outside. She peeked her head out, the area only being lit by a dim light by the door, a streetlamp by the steps leading to her apartment, and the moon. Taking in a deep breath and saying a silent prayer, she slowly walked out of the entrance, looking around for a body or for whoever shot the gun.

It didn't take her long to figure out what happened. Jason Blossom was on the ground, kneeling over his fathers dead body, a gun in his hand. She must have made some noise because suddenly Jason was aiming the gun at her.

"Jason, put the fucking gun down, I swear to god!" She yelled through gritted teeth.

His hands were shaking, obviously in shock at what he had done. She could hear his sobs from the twenty some feet away that they were from each other. He wasn't saying anything as he continued to cry, still pointing the gun at the Serpent Queen.

"Listen to me, Jason. Am I pissed at what I'm seeing right now? Yes, absolutely. But if you shoot me, or even pull that trigger while pointing the gun in my direction, the Serpents will have your head." She slowly inched towards the man.

"I...I didn't...I'm s-so sorry." He sobbed out, lowering the gun.

"Just put the gun on the ground, and we can talk about this, okay? The Serpent and FP will take care of this. Just put the gun down." She heard the sound of motorcycles echoing through the Southside, signaling the boys would be there any second, but it didn't seem like Jason noticed.

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