7. Toni Topaz

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Thursday morning, beginning where the last chapter ended

Cheryl just nodded into Toni's chest, snuggling into her more, being calmed by the scent of vanilla. She slowly drifted off to sleep, light snores coming from her mouth. Toni chuckled at this and thought it was absolutely adorable. "She's so broken, yet so beautiful." Toni thought. She placed a kiss to Cheryl's forehead, pulling up the comforter, and peacefully falling asleep.

In this chapter we learn more about Toni's background and Jason officially becomes a serpent. This is the longest chapter yet at 5,348 words. Oops! I apologize in advance if it's repetitive.


Toni Topaz is 26 years old. She grew up on the Southside of Riverdale. Her father passed away in a car accident when she was 10 years old, on his way to the grocery store to pick up some milk. He was killed by a drunk driver, going 20mph over the speed limit, hit on the drivers side. He was dead on impact.

If you think it's ironic that Toni owns a bar and works there, you're probably right. She's had more than enough alcoholic beverages in her lifetime, you'd think she would have forgotten about her dad. She definitely hasn't and she can't.

Once Toni graduated high school, she went to Riverdale Community College, getting her Associates in Photography. She stayed around to keep an eye on her grandpa and his health. Her mom Rhonda moved away, off to Malibu, Florida. Rhonda wanted to get away from Riverdale the moment her husband passed away, but she needed to stay for Toni.

When Toni turned 20, FP, who was the Serpent King, decided to retire and pass the legacy onto Toni. She was after all, a Serpent by blood. Fourth generation royalty. No one deserved it more than she did. No one would be a better leader.

When Toni was crowned, she had already been a Serpent, receiving her skin at just 13 years old. Because she was a Serpent by blood, she didn't have to do any of the initiation, except for reciting the laws and pulling the knife out of the snake enclosure. She was thankful for this. 13 year old Toni was not about to dance around a stipper pole, in a skimpy outfit. She'd beat someone down for just looking at her. She may be tiny, but she's mighty.

Toni also came out as bisexual when she was 13. It seemed like a lot of the Serpents were gay/lesbian/bi... anything other than straight. A few were even trans. The Serpents were totally supportive, as was Toni's mom, as long as she didn't become a teen mom and was safe.

The day that Toni became a Serpent was the same day she started drinking and occasionally smoking weed. But mostly drinking. It was cheaper and she didn't have to blow anyone to get a hit. She drank to make the pain stop, to make her demons shut the fuck up. Sixteen years after her fathers death, she still drinks and occasionally smokes weed. Only difference is that she doesn't have to blow anyone for a hit and she can drink for free because she owns the place. But is it really free?


Toni's POV

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I was missing the warmth that was previously laying on my chest, just a few hours ago. I crinkle my eyebrows and groan while rolling onto my stomach and hiding my head under the pillow.

Almost instantly, I heard someone chuckle before saying, "Good morning, sleepy head. I made coffee. Hope you don't mind that I went through your cabinets. I wasn't sure how you liked it," Cheryl said, sitting next to me.

That beautiful, angelic voice. I groaned again, "Just five more minutes, mom."

"Well, I also made food. Chocolate chip pancakes, a Blossom special." Cheryl added.

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