Door #4

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TW: Mentions of rape and suicide attempts

Cheryl and Toni pay Clifford a visit.


Before Cheryl and Toni could pay Clifford Blossom a visit this morning, they had breakfast with Nana Rose again and Cheryl found herself feeling...content. Happy. Possibly the happiest she has ever been in her life, which lets face it, is few and far between. She had woken up first and made everyone pancakes and eggs, her specialty, and a reminder that they needed to go grocery shopping again.

At that thought, she realized that she can freely walk around the town of Riverdale without the risk of seeing her parents, or even Nick. Really the only threat there was now, was running into a Ghoulie, which she didn't see happening.

"You ready to go?" Toni asked her, breaking her from her thoughts as she finished putting on a pair of biker books Toni had surprised her with that morning because, "You'll look even hotter in them." Toni Topaz was always full of surprises and Cheryl Blossom lived for it. Because she was Toni's and Toni was hers, even if they weren't official, it was enough for Cheryl. She knew that Toni wasn't going anywhere, and she definitely wasn't.

"Yeah, I think so." The redhead responded.

"Give 'em hell!" Nana Rose told them with a shake of her fist before they walked out the door.


"Daddy Dearest is ready for ya, boss." Toni heard once their feet hit the floor of the basement. She furrowed her eyebrows at Fangs, in confusion.

"Uh, where's Pea?"

Fangs looked at the ground for a moment, before responding. "I guess there were some issues with Jason this morning. Similar to what he did yesterday. Pea called me asking to take his spot and said he's handling Jason." He shrugged.

"Alright, well thanks for filling in for him. Keep me updated if you hear anything else, alright?" She went to walk away, then remembered, "Oh, did you get the syrup?"

"Just as you asked. Buckets are sitting by the door." Fangs said with a nod and the two women continued down the hall, to door number four.


"I should have known you were behind this. Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl. Always getting under my skin, yo-"

"Shut up, Clifford." Cheryl interrupted as she sat at the table across from her father. The room was exactly the same as the other three. Chains on the walls behind their captives, a small table in the center with two chairs. Another table that typically had a few weapons on it, a barstool, and a few other items that differed per room. To top it all off, each captive was also handcuffed to the table.

"How dare you to tell me t-"

"She said shut the fuck up!" Toni interrupted him this time, standing next to the other woman.

Clifford looked between the two women for a moment before finally saying, "So this is why you left Nick? Thank heavens Jason wasn't dating her. Southside Scum."

"Toni has a name, Clifford. And no. I should have left Nick a long time ago." Cheryl now spoke calmly. "I know all about your little contract with him, and the money." She shook her head in disgust. "You're a terrible excuse for a human, a husband, a father and a grandfather. You think we don't know about Amber, too?"

He was quiet for a moment before, "How do you know about that?" He asked quietly.

"That's none of your business. We know what you did and we know why. That's all that matters. And you will never hurt her or anyone else ever again. Actually, I think I might be more upset about that than I am about this whole ordeal with Nick."

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