10. Feeling The Spark

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Meanwhile, At Thornhill:

"So what can I do for you?" Clifford asked his guests.

"Well, I believe it's more of what I can do for you, Cliff. And you as well, Pen." The man said.

"And what is that?" Penelope asked.

"We found your daughter, and told your friend here, just like you told us. We know where she is and we have a plan. But...we'll need payment first." the woman informed them.


Wednesday - 3 days later

Cheryl and Toni have been sharing Toni's bed since Saturday night, as they've gotten closer and Cheryl just prefers it. Toni makes her feel safe and cared for. A complete 180 from Nick. She could get used to this. She's still having nightmares, which Toni is extremely worried about, as she herself used to deal with nightmares after her father died.

The two were laying in bed after just waking up and not wanting to leave from the others embrace. Cheryl was laying on Toni's chest, their legs intertwined and Cheryl's arm over Toni's waist. "Cher, have you thought more about going to that therapist Betty suggested? Jason said the doctor in Chicago also recommended seeing someone." Toni said, just above a whisper.

Cheryl sighed, not wanting to talk about this again. "But I can talk to you about everything. And Jason. And I can text Josie."

"I understand, Cheryl. I do. But sometimes it's better to talk to someone who doesn't know you. Not that I know you really well, but...you know what I mean. And maybe it would help with the nightmares, or they could prescribe you some sleeping medication. Or they could give you suggestions for activities to do before bed to clear your head."

"I happen to know the perfect thing to do before bed." Cheryl looked up to Toni, biting her lip.

"As nice as I'm sure that would be, I'm going to have to say no, Cher. You and I both know it's not healthy."

Cheryl thought for a moment, before she sat up and straddled Toni, moving down to kiss her lips. They shared a quick passionate kiss before Toni stopped it, sitting up. "Cheryl, I'm serious. You just got out of a relationship. A very terrible relationship. You shouldn't just jump into something new."

"But I...I thought you wanted this too, Toni." Cheryl spoke, sounding defeated.

"I do, Cheryl. I really do. But it's too soon. We both have a lot going on. I'm chill with sharing a bed and cuddling, but I do think we need to tone it down a bit. I'm sorry." Toni's voice was laced with concern for the redhead, worried she just broke the girls heart.

"No, I understand, Toni. I'll tone it down." Cheryl spoke with sadness in her voice and got off of Toni to walk into the bathroom.

Toni sighed, upset at herself. She laid back and rubbed her hands over her face before finally getting up and making coffee once she heard the shower running. I really fucked up. She would wait to start breakfast until she knew what Cheryl wanted.

She started pouring her coffee, may as well add some whiskey for this wonderful morning I'm having. Toni then sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone. She caught a glimpse of the date and realized that in just a few days it would be the anniversary of her fathers death. Her hardest day of the year. She was pouring her second cup of coffee when realized the shower was still running, but it had been an hour since she poured her first cup.

Toni walked over to the bathroom and pressed her ear to it, not being able to hear anything other than the shower. "Cheryl?" she knocked on the door, with no answer. "Cheryl, are you okay?" She tried again, still no answer. She sat her coffee cup down on the desk. "Cheryl, I'm coming in..."

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