3. Jason Blossom

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Chapter 3: Jason Blossom

Jason Blossom is 24 years old. He's a single dad with 7 year old twins, Amber and William (Polly died, so Jason named them). Their mom and his high school sweetheart Polly, unfortunately died during childbirth. Being a single father at 17 was definitely not easy, but he did it with the help of his parents and Polly parents, as well as Cheryl and Polly's sister, Betty. Jason and his kids live on the Blossom Estate in Thistle House, his parents live in Thornhill mansion with Nana Rose.

After high school, Jason didn't go to college like his twin sister. He didn't need to, due to being groomed his entire life for the family business, just like his father. Cheryl was actually the first in their immediate family to attend college, but that still wasn't good enough for their parents.

At Blossom Maple Farms, Jason is basically his fathers shadow. He has his own office, with a nice view of the trees and some large hills. He can even almost see the Sweetwater River from his desk. Clifford gives Jason part of the workload, but really they just oversee their employees and hire/fire people when needed. Jason hasn't been in on all the business deals with his father, but keeps being told that he will be when the time is right. Whatever that means.

Jason was just 10 years old when he started going to work with his dad. Of course, with school, he could only go during breaks. At home, his father always talked about business, sports, cigars and good scotch. Jason was allowed into his fathers office, unlike his twin. He never really understood why other than the fact that his father wanted him to take over the family business one day. But why not Cheryl, too? They could both do it. Same amount of work, with less effort.

Another year later is when Jason realized that his parents treated his sister so much different than how they treated him. They rarely greeted her when she entered a room. They stopped tucking her in at night and telling her "sweet dreams, sleep tight." They stopped hugging her and kissing her on the forehead. She wasn't allowed to join after school activities like Jason, unless it was sports related. During the summers, she couldn't leave the house without being accompanied by an adult, usually Nana Rose.

Their parents stopped doing these things, but did they ever do them to begin with? Jason loved his sister more than anyone, except for maybe Nana Rose. One Christmas, when Jason and Cheryl were 13, Jason got a brand new gaming system with a bunch of games, as well as roller blades, a skateboard, and a shiny TV for his bedroom.

Cheryl on the other hand got a Harry Potter book, which she already had, to add to her collection and a bag of coal from their parents. However, Nana Rose had gotten her a painting set with an easel, some canvases and a variety of paints and brushes, as well as a sketchbook and fancy drawing pencils. The next day, while Nana Rose was out, Penelope burned all of it right in front of Cheryl because she was "too deviant for such things."

When Jason was 17 and Polly was pregnant, he wanted to propose to her and really start their family. He went to Nana Rose asking for the Blossom family ring and was happy with the outcome.

"Nana, may I come in?" young Jason asked.

"Of course, dear. What can I do for you?"

"Well, Nana. As you know, Polly is pregnant. I really love her and would love to ask her to marry me. I was hoping to possibly use the family ring, with your blessing, of course." I was so nervous asking her this.

"I'm sorry, Jason. But that ring isn't for you. I'm saving it for Cheryl, my dear boy. She deserves love more than anyone, as I'm sure you know. And in case your filthy parents get in the way of that, I've left it to her in my will. I hope you understand, dearie." Nana Rose told me, with nothing but love for my sister in her heart.

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