4: Plan Save Cheryl Is A Go

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Ya'll better get your tissues ready for this one. Not sorry.

They all started clearing the table and settled in the living room until their mystery guest arrived. Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door.


Jason's POV

I still wasn't sure who to expect. Betty opened the door with a smile on her face, "Sweet Pea, Toni! Come in, guys!" Betty said before giving Sweet Pea a hug.

Two people entered the Smith-Jones house. One a very tall man, taller than myself, with jet black hair slicked back. The other was a short woman with brown and pink hair. Wow, she's cute. Not really my type, though.

The tall man had on a black leather jacket, a grey v-neck t-shirt and black jeans with motorcycle boots. The short pink haired girl had on the same jacket but hers was purple, underneath was a purple crop top covered with a fishnet shirt, paired with gray skinny jeans with rips in them and motorcycle boots. She also had a flannel tied around her waist. Definitely not my type. Too much...mesh and flannel.

"Oh, Jason. This is Sweet Pea and Toni, they're part of the Southside Serpents-" I interrupted my cousin, eyes wide, "S-Southside Serpents?! The gang? The drug dealers and killers?! You called thugs to help protect my sister?!" I was so mad that I was about to walk out the door when FP stood up and stopped me.

"Listen to what they have to say, boy. You don't know this about me, but I'm a Serpent turned sheriff. Serpent King, actually. I wasn't the best leader for many reasons, but once I decided to step down and clean up my act, Toni took over as Serpent Queen; She's a Serpent by blood. No one deserves it more than her, she's really changed things around." he said, smiling at Toni.

"Thanks, FP." Toni said, beaming. "And I'm going to pretend I didn't take offense to what you just said, Red."

Betty cleared her throat, "As I was saying, this is Sweet Pea and Toni. Sweets here is actually my boyfriend. We've been dating for a few months."

FP walked over to Toni and Sweet Pea, engulfing them both into hugs. The Serpent duo took their seats. "Would you two like something to drink?" Alice asked. Toni was the first to speak, "No, I'm good Miss Smith, but thank you." Sweet Pea spoke up, "I'll just have water, Miss Smith." Alice came back with Sweet Pea's water, "Here you go. And please, both of you can call me Alice." Sweet Pea smiled, "Thanks, Alice."

"So, you're Jason Blossom." Toni was the first to speak. "Uh, yeah. I'm Jason." I chuckled, not really sure what else to say. Toni smirked her famous Toni Topaz smirk, "Betty told us a little bit about your...situation. You're wanting protection for you, your kids and your sister. Correct?"

I nodded, telling Toni to continue. "And this protection is from your sister's fiance?" I nodded again before saying, "Uh, yeah. He...uh...he's abusive towards her. Definitely physically, but I'm not sure how much. I've only seen him hurt her one time, almost a year ago. He's verbally abusive, as well. Emotionally too, I'm sure."

Everyone took in this information. Toni asked, "And you believe he's still abusive towards her?" I looked down at my hands, before looking back up at everyone, eyes landing on Toni.

"I do. I haven't shared this with anyone, and just found out yesterday. My father and my sister's fiance, Nick have a-a contract between the two. A contract st-stating that Nick has ownership of Cheryl until one of them dies, a-and Nick pays my father $100,000 a month, to...I guess...buy Cheryl off of him? The contract was written up right before Nick proposed to Cheryl a year ago."

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