Nice to meet you

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October 28th

*Sierra's pov*

I walk into a conference room with Penelope. Her team sits down at the large table.

Penelope- Everyone this is my cousin Sierra. She's interested in joining the FBI and wanted to test out the ropes.

Penelope is very excited about me being there. I smile and give a small wave.

Aaron Hotchner- Well it's nice to have you here and I'm sure Garcia will take good care of you. Now Garcia what's the case?

Penelope- Oh right. Uh Sierra you can just take a seat anywhere:)

I nod and find a seat next to Jennifer. Penelope has told me so much about her friends at work. I've seen many pictures of them hung up in her apartment.

Once Penelope finishes showing the team what this case is about they all stand up.

Aaron Hotchner- Alright, since this is local let's get started right away.

Penelope brings me into her office.

Me- It's so cute and colorful in here! I love it!

Penelope- I thought you would.

Me- So what do you want me to do?

Penelope- You can see if the team needs anything. I have some digging to do but feel free to watch the master at work though.

She smiles. I smile and get up.

Me- I'm gonna get coffee, you want any?

Penelope- Nope I'm good:)

I walk out of the office and over to the break room. Spencer Reid is in there leaning up against the counter waiting for a cup of coffee to fill up. I give him a small smile.

Me- Hi...

I say a little quiet. Spencer gives me a little smile.

Spencer- So,uh, you're Garcia's cousin....

Me- Uh yeah. We're related

Spencer- That's cool

God this conversation is awkward.

Me- So I've been told you like reading. What's your favorite book?

Spencer- Wow how can I choose just one? Well what's yours since it's gonna take me awhile to figure out mine.

Me- I like the Maze Runner series.

Spencer- Oh I don't think I've read those books.

Me- How is that possible?! They're so good!

Spencer-I'm not really into the fictional side of books.

Me- Well you should definitely read them. I can give you my copies if you want

A smile almost cracks on Spencer's face.

Spencer- Sure

Me- Cool, I'll bring them in tomorrow

Spencer- Ok...

His coffee is done. He grabs the cup and leaves the room. I look in the cabinets for a coffee mug. I put it on the counter.

Me- Oh I almost forgot.

I rush to my bag which is in the conference room. David Rossi, Spencer and Derek are standing around the table looking at some pictures. They don't really notice me when I walk in. My bag is by Spencer's feet. I walk over by him. He looks at me from behind his shoulder.

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