S3:C6; Attractive Playground

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Sorry, Gio," the young boy mumbled softly.

I'd quickly reached my hand up and rubbed my boyfriend's hairy thigh right as he began to walk away, and he turned a small, evil grin down towards me before making his way down the hall and into our bedroom.

"Are you mad at me, Cameron?"

"Huh? Oh, n-no," I answered quickly, stuttering a bit as the urge to go and attack Giorgi ate at me. "You were just asking me questions because you were curious."

"But my question made you cry."

"No, no, I was just panicking. I got scared that Giorgi did still like her, but he doesn't so everything's okay, right?"

Yuri hesitated to nod, but when I smiled at him and ruffled his hair, he seemed to be in a better mood. "You need to go to sleep, bud. It's late," I said, pinching his cheek.

"Can we watch a movie? I promise I'll go to sleep right after," the seven-year-old implored.

"Which movie?"

"Can we see The Bee Movie, please? It's my favorite!"

"The Bee Movie?"

"Yeah, it's about this bee called Barry, and he falls in love with a human! It's really funny,"Yuri giggled.

I smiled at the adorable boy and shrugged. "Sure. We can watch it, but you better fall asleep right after, okay?"

Upon watching ten or fifteen minutes of the movie, Giorgi had tiptoed back into the living room, and taken a seat on my lap, crushing my significantly smaller legs with his thick quads. "What the hell did you guys do the couch," he whispered, adjusting himself on my legs. "It's so lumpy...and hard."

My face burned red when he'd moved off of me, sat beside me on my left, and snuck his hand over my hardening crotch. "Is The Bee Movie really that entertaining, Cameron?"

"Oh, yeah, i-it's amazing, really," I chuckled.

"You like it?!" Yuri asked over a long yawn.

"Yeah, it's funny!"

The small boy smiled a wide, excited grin while he laid against my shoulder, coaxing Giorgi to remove his hand from my now softening member. Within ten more minutes of watching the movie, Yuri had fallen into such a deep sleep that he'd been snoring. "Baby," I whispered, looking over at Giorgi who was scrolling through his phone.

"Yes, my love?"

"Do you want to talk now? About whatever it was that you were wondering?"

My boyfriend made duck lips and raised his right cheek up towards his eye before clicking his tongue. "Sure. But, I mean...it's...about Cooper, and my ex, and Tammy...and...your professor..."

I nodded, letting my boyfriend know that I was listening.

"We know that Cooper is a psychopath. We know that Tammy was...a sociopath...?"

I nodded again, confirming his guess.

"So...what about Lola? I mean, she was kind of peculiar, right? She lacked empathy and stuff. I mean, she cheated on me three or four times and never felt guilty or bad. She always justified her wrongs, you know? She crashed her car into Ken's house and said that she did it because of me... Did she— Like, does she give you any feelings or-or ideas that she might be a sociopath or something?"

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