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°~Sapnap's PoV~°

"Who in the world are you?!" I screamed at the newcomer breaking the silence that has settled for no more few seconds.

The guy in the beanie flinched by my words and I could tell he was contemplating whether he should try and ran away or stay here and see who exactly were we.

"Look- look, man." He tried laughing away his fear which only made the situation slightly more awkward.

"Multitud duro, heh." He mumbled under his breath, yet I could still hear it, even though I had no idea in slightest what he just said.

"You can call me Quackity." He finally introduced himself sitting down, a bit further from the entrance, yet still close enough so he could easily slip back to the surface. "I don't mean any harm. I just wanted to get away from the flears of dark category. Man, they're pushy." He vented a bit to us.

"Quackity, you said?" Dream looked mad, I still didn't get used to the fact his mask was gone, and the newcomer's eyes widened in fear.

"Look, look, look-" Quackity shifted a bit further from the two lovers and was now almost beside me. "I didn't want to make you do that, okay? I hate using my abilities, especially in that way. I'm sorry if I did any damage."

I shot Dream a confused look, but he didn't look back. Instead, George started explaining.

"Quackity was the one who controlled Dream's mind back then when we exited their base." I let out a small 'oh' and nodded.

"They made me do it, okay? Something about me proving myself or whatever." Quackity kept defending himself.

"I'd forgive you." Karl suddenly spoke up making everyone's gaze turn to him.

"You'd forgive everyone." I said to him as I ruffled his hair a bit making him giggle.

"There was no damage, but thank you for apologizing. It's nice to see people learn from their mistakes." George spoke calmly, a small smile lacing his face. Dream shifted a bit, his grip on George tightening a bit.

Quackity gratefully smiled at him and I could tell it was genuine. I still had my doubts about him only faking this, but I wanted to give this guy a chance. After all, he wasn't the first nice person from his category I've met, neither was Bad. I hate how few people made it seem as if they're all bad.

As I was remembering what had happened while I was still a kid, I heard Karl started talking about whatever he had on his mind. His voice was very nice to listen to and, even though I wasn't paying attention to his words, I didn't want him to stop talking.

Absent-mindedly, I laid my head on his shoulder, as I did many times before, and soon fell into a small slumber.

°~Zak's PoV~°

Rays of sun that was slowly rising on the horizon woke me up from my sleep and I started to shuffle a bit not remembering the boy that was still resting his head on mine.

"Skeppy?" He slowly asked not wanting to be too loud in case I was still asleep. I could tell he was still tired from the last night's events.

"Shh." I shushed him a bit making him lay on my chest to get more comfortable. "You should get some more sleep."

"No." He whined dragging out the 'o', shifted a bit closer to me. Not even a minute later, I started hearing small snores coming from him which made mu chuckle. I unconsciously started ruffling his hair thinking about what would happen when they found out I'm not in my room.

If I was lucky, they'd probably let me 'sleep in' not wanting to interrupt prince's slumber. However, I was sure that wouldn't be the case.

Maybe I could tell them that I was on a walk around castle walls, but I doubt they'd buy it. There are guards everywhere and it would be hard to explain why none of them would have seen me.

I can't tell them the truth either, they'd dismiss me saying I'm crazy or that it was only a dream.


Perhaps, I could say I had a weird dream and I sleepwalked out of the castle.

That seems like a crazy idea, but my dad always goes by saying 'If you want to hide the truth, hide it behind a crazy story.' Guess I finally figured how to use one of his many sayings.

Lost in the thoughts, I hadn't realized the sin was quickly rising up. I knew I didn't believe they would actually leave me alone, yet I wanted to come back home as soon as possible.

I lightly started shaking Bad's shoulder making him blink a few times.

"Morning, Skeppy." He greeted me, his voice a bit deeper seeing as he just woke up.

"Morning, sleepy head." I greeted back. The nicknames I used made him pout and get up from my chest. From his now sitting position, he glanced at the sunrise as his face grew a confused look.

"Skeppy, it's so early. Why did you wake me up?" He questioned as he looked back at me.

"I need to get back home, y'know? They'll send a whole search party after me if they don't find me in my room." I attempted to make a small joke, but his face saddened.

"Oh, yeah. You're going back to the castle." His voice sounded full of sorrow as he tried to make a small smile.

"We'll still see each other. Every night." I said trying to cheer him up.

"Promise?" He asked, voice full of hope.



Word count: 950
3 May 2021

Ye I'm bad at writing fluff. I like angst more :)

Also, Karlnap and Dnf pog?

Love you all ♡

Two different worlds ~ Skephalo ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang