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Happy Easter, everyone! I here present to you another chapter :D

Warning: blood, kidnapping, death :)


°~Zak's PoV~°

"It's not your fault."

These words echoed through my mind making me realize the scenerio before me.

Bad. My best friend. Laying completely lifeless. His shirt was completely covered in blood. His blood.

And it was all my fault.

I immediately dropped the knife that was still in my hands and started shaking him not wanting this to be true.

"Bad! Bad, wake up! This isn't funny, stop trolling me!" I said as tears started to form in my eyes. I hugged him, his head on my neck. That's when I felt shallow breathes. "Bad?" I asked him breaking the hug to look at his face.

"It's not your fault." He repeated trying to smile at me.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. Bad! Listen! I-I'll fix this!" I said in panic as I put my hand on his stomach. "H-here! This will stop the bleeding. And then you'll be fine. We... we'll get Dream to heal you up. Just... survive..."

Tears were streaming down my face as I remembered all the fun times we had together. Like that time he was chasing me around because I said something dumb, or when he comforted me when I told him I don't have a lot of real friends. Even when we first met, he was so nice to me, he always was. It's weird to think he wanted to kill me, yet I still cared for him. A lot. And now I'm standing over his body. His eyes were closed, but you could still see a small smile on his lips.

It's all my fault.

"You still care for him, huh?" The voice behind me startled me making me remember May was still here which made me question again, why exactly.

"What do you want?" I growled at her still staring at my best friend.

"As I said before, I want you. ." Her voice got louder as I heard her footsteps coming closer.

"And why is that?" I asked not believing she was actually in love with me. It wouldn't make sense, right?

"That's for me to know..." I heard her stop right behind me. "And for you to never find out."

Then, my head started to hurt and everything went black.


I woke up on the stone floor with a large headache. I instinctively put my hand on the back of my head trying to suppress the pain, but it only made it worse which made me groan.  I clearly got someone's attention, because I heard small movements near me and a pair of arms trying to help me sit up.

"You're awake!" I was soon met with a boy with brown hair over his forehead and light brown eyes. He was wearing a colorful hoodie with a spiral in the middle.

"Who are you?" I asked as the boy sat in front of me.

"I'm Karl. I'm not exactly sure how I ended up here, but I was searching for my friend when I..." His voice trailed of and he looked down to the ground.

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