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It was a warm evening and Zak was in his room looking out of window. His room was in one of the castle's towers facing a beautiful large forest. Most people found it terrifying due to a lot of stories and myths created by people over the centuries. They say creatures, also known as darpaths, lure there searching for their victims who were brave enough to step inside. Some even say they possess some sort of dark magic, which is how they got their name.

Zak honestly thought those stories were made up to scare little kids, but he still didn't want to risk going out there, at least not now. He was 14 and short for his age which made him the perfect victim.

'One day, though...' he thought to himself, 'one day, when I get strong enough...'

Suddenly, a small movement caught his eye. It wasn't big and most people wouldn't notice it, but Zak had a good eye for details. He instantly turned his gaze towards the fairly deep part of the forest where he saw a human-like shape for a split second. He shook his head and looked again, yet the figure had already disappeared.

"Must be an animal" the short boy murmured and walked away from the window as dinner was almost ready.

He didn't see the figure creeping out from behind the tree near the place he had been staring at not too long ago.


Word count: 241
16 Feb 2021

Author's note:
I know it was short, but I want this to be like an introduction to the story. I promise next chapters will be around 1000 words, some even more.

Drawing at the top made by: me (feel free to use it as long as you credit me)
Suggested by: @/starwolfmo

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day :D

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