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So, I've been a little sick recently as I said on my profile, but I couldn't just not update at all, so here's a chapter a finished literally the day I got sick.

Warning: angst, blood, possible death :)


°~Zak's PoV~°

"Are you saying you could fight against anyone else?" Dream said almost mockingly. I was confused on what was going on and it looked like I wasn't the only one. NotFound, I believe his name was, and Sapnap were also giving each other confused looks.

"No, that's not what I said! I-" Bad tried to explain, but was quickly cut off by Dream.

"Just tell us what you're hiding!" Silence filled the room and the tension could be cut with the knife. It stayed like that for a few minutes before Bad ran out of the door saying he was sorry. I quickly followed behind calling out his name, but he didn't stop.

I could barely hear a few voices behind me as they probably stayed inside.

°~Dream's PoV~°

I was afraid this could happen, yet I still had to try it. Ever since I tried remembering Bad's real name, I've been thinking a lot about what I know about him. After some time, I realized I don't know anything about him, his friends, family, name, not even his category. I'm not sure how I haven't noticed before. I was sure he had told me all about himself, yet I couldn't remember anything.

"I'm going after him." I said as Skeppy went through the door. I tried following after him, but was stopped with a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't." It was George. "It's best if Skeppy calms him down. Plus, I'm not sure how he feels about seeing you right now."

As much as I hate to admit it, he was right. I have to let him be for a bit and then attack him again.

"Why did you even yell at him like that in the first place?" Sapnap asked looking a bit on the edge. I'm guessing he was sill worried about his friend Karl.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you."

"Why not?" George retrieved his hand from my shoulder and crossed his arms.

"Because you'll probably think I've gone crazy, even though I'm sure I haven't."

"Just tell us, dude!" Sapnap yelled.

"Fine. But promise me you won't get mad at me for this." They both nodded clearly annoyed I'm taking so long. "I... I think Bad is a dark category."

"That could be true." George agreed after a few moments.

"I always though there was something off with him, but I never thought about that." The other boy admitted. Their reactions surprised me and left me speechless.

"So... you don't think I'm crazy?" They both laughed.

"You are crazy, Dream." George said still laughing. "Just not about that."

I smiled, but one thought still worried me.

If Bad was a dark category, would he betray us? Or has he already?

Traitor or not, we know his one weakness. Skeppy.

°~Zak's PoV~°

"Bad!" I kept yelling as I was running towards him. "Bad, wait up!"

Eventually, he stopped seemingly out of breath and sat down under nearby tree. I ran up to him and sat beside him trying to breathe normally.

"Why did you run away?" I asked him after some time trying to make an eye contact.

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