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°~Darryl's PoV~°

"Jordan?" Skeppy asked the guy who just came to the living room. I was confused. First, his name was George, not Jordan, and second, how does Skeppy even know him?

"Jordan? NotFound, what's going on?" Asked Sapnap trying to find answers to the same questions as me.

NotFound, how we called George, was staring at us terrified trying to come up with something to say.

"Skeppy, how do you know him?" I asked and he looked at me.

"We met last week on that party. He said he was the prince of faraway kingdom. What are you doing here?" He turned back to NotFound trying not to sound too mad.

At this point, tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. George looked like he wasn't sure what he could say and what couldn't, so he just stayed silent occasionally mumbling something inaudible.

I was worried. If he was the one following Zak last week, was he working with-

No. I didn't want to consider that possibility, I've known George for a long time and I'm sure he wouldn't join them. But what was he doing there?

In that moment, the front door was opened and tall figure appeared behind it.

"Dream!" George practically yelled at the guy relived he finally came. Dream smiled.

"What's up, Georgie?" He asked and turned to us immediately realizing what was going on as his face frowned. He was most likely staring at Zak, but I wasn't sure due to his mask covering most of his face.

"Bad, how much does Zak know about us?" He spoke leaving me shocked. I heard a small 'wait, what' as I got lost in thoughts. 'Is he seriously going to explain our world to a human? No, that's not like Dream. Does Dream think Zak might be one of us? Well, not really one of us, but one of them. Is that why he sent George to follow him?' Then a terrifying thought came to my mind.

Did he find out who I really am?

No, he couldn't have had, right? I am way too careful about that, there was no-

"Bad!" I heard Dream's voice which interrupted my train of thoughts. I looked at him, his mask actually, and gave him a confused look.

"How much does Zak know?" He asked again a bit annoyed.

"He doesn't know anything." 'And hopefully it stays that way', I thought to myself. Dream slowly nodded and turned to Zak.

°~Zak's PoV~°

What in the world is happening?

What does Bad mean by 'Zak doesn't know anything.' Am I supposed to know something? Are they some sort of secret organization? So many questions, yet no answer to any.
"Come with me, Zak." Dream said. I got up from the couch, but almost immediately got pulled down.

"Dream, what are you doing?!" Bad yelled at him standing up, his hand still on my shoulder. "You can't just explain our world to a human!"

I stared blankly at Bad. Is he... are they not humans? I looked around; everyone was staring at Bad.

"Fine." Dreams said calmly which made Bad confused and he removed his hand. "You'll explain it to him. After all, you guys are best friends, aren't you?"

"Dream, he DOESN'T need to know!" Bad yelled again as I flinched from the tone he used. "By telling him, you're just putting him in danger's way!" He continued.

"Bad, look." I said finally waking up from the first shock. "I don't know what's going on, but whatever it is, I can handle danger, I was trained to do it since I'm the next king. You can trust me." I said with confidence and gave him a reassuring smile. He looked at me, then at Dream and down to his feet. He sighed knowing he was defeated.

"Fine. As long as you promise me not to tell a soul about any of this." I nodded and he formed a weak smile as he grabbed my wrist and led me outside leaving his 2 friends in there.

Weird, I thought there was at least one more person in the house.

°~Sapnap's PoV~°

I easily slipped away and out of the house leaving those two arguing. I was already late and I didn't really have the strength to deal with those two. They rarely fight, but when they do, it's best to stay away.

As I approached the clearing, I saw a taller boy with brown hair sitting on the ground with his back against me.

"Boo!" I screamed in his ear and he jumped in the air waving his arms to shield himself which made me laugh.

"Stop it! It's not funny!"

"Oh, but it is." I said with a smirk on my face as he rolled his eyes.

"Also, you're late. What happened? I almost went inside the forest." I felt the color drain from my face as he said that.

"NO." He looked at me, confused. "NEVER go in the forest."

"What...? Why?" He asked me flinching a bit from my words.

"Promise you won't, please." I can't let him get hurt.

"Tell me why and I will." His arms were now crossed and he had an annoyed look on his face. I sighed.

"It's not... safe."

"But you literally live there, why is it so bad?" He argued back.

"It's not that easy. I've lived there most of my life and they've gotten used to me while you would be in serious danger." I knew I already said way too much, but if I must, I'll tell him everything as long as he's safe. He sighed.

"Okay... I trust you." His tone was sad, yet there was a reassuring smile on his face as we laid down on the ground. The sky was clear and a few stars could be seen, even though the sun hadn't set down completely.

'I trust you as well.' I thought to myself. 'I'm just not sure others will.' 


Word count: 1000
5 Mar 2021

Im sorry it's a bit shorter than usual, I just really wanted it to end with some cliffhangers >:)

Also, do you have any theories? Why does Dream want Skeppy to know something? Is Bad gonna tell Skeppy everything or not? Who was that with Sapnap? 

See you guys in the next chapter ♡

Two different worlds ~ Skephalo ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang