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°~Zak's PoV~°

As I was still trying to rip the net the panic inside me was rising to the point where I started screaming. I knew nobody would come to save me, why would they? Nobody could even hear me, I was really deep into the forest, and if somehow they did, they wouldn't even try to save me thinking it is a darpath or something.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I realized it was hopeless. I'm gonna die out here. I shouldn't have gone here, I shouldn't have thought adventures are fun, I should have just listen to my parents when they told me never to go out here, I should have... I should have...
Suddenly, I felt like I was flying and for a split second I thought I was already dead when I hit the cold, hard ground. I groaned in pain from a sudden fall.

"Oh, my goodness, are you okay?" I heard a soft voice full of worry starting to get closer. I rubbed my eyes, which were still a bit teary, to see who the owner of this voice was. When I finally looked up, I saw a boy with brown hair and emerald green eyes hidden behind his glasses. He was wearing a black hoodie with red stripes on his sleeves and black jeans. He offered me a hand which I gladly accept. As I got up, I realized the mysterious boy was around my height, maybe a bit shorter which made me question why he was here.

"I'm sorry about the trap, it was only meant for-" he started explaining when I cut him off.

"Why are you here?" I asked him as firmly as I could. He flinched a bit from my tone and I could clearly see the fear in his eyes.

"What... what do you mean?" he asked trying not to sound too scared while looking everywhere except directly into my eyes.

At this point, I was straight up confused. Has he never heard of darpaths before? Everyone has heard about them, it's one of those things you just know.

"I- You haven't heard about darpaths?" I asked in confused tone. We finally made eye contact and his green emerald eyes were filled with puzzlement and a slight relief.

"No, what's that?" He asked me clearly interested in my answer which made me angry a bit.

"Where do you even live!?" I half yelled which made him flinch again.

"Here, in the woods." He answered me calmly like it was the most normal thing.

"Dude, are you trolling me right now?!"

"No, I'm not. What makes you think-"

"Bad! Are you okay?" I heard the yelling behind me getting closer. I turned around and saw a guy with black hair and white headband peeking out of the bushes behind me. He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a red flame on the chest and underneath it was another black long-sleeved one. As soon as he saw me, his dark blue eyes went from worry to anger and he started walking towards me.

Suddenly, I started feeling really sleepy to the point where I couldn't stand anymore.
The last thing I remember was falling down and someone catching me before I hit the ground.


It was still nighttime when I opened my eyes and saw 2 men standing in front of me, one who freed me from the trap and one who was yelling what I thought was the first one's name. A little bit further, a figure with a white mask and a green hoodie was leaning onto one of the trees. I tried to move my body, but soon found out I was tied up to the tree.

"Who are you?" I heard the boy with headband ask me. I noticed he was tightly holding onto a small knife with his right hand. I was terrified. I've never been in this kind of situation before, what should I do?

"Answer me!" The same guy as before now yelled at me.

"Sapnap, calm down." The glasses guy put his hand on Sapnap's shoulder.

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