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°~Zak's PoV~°

As I tried to remember everything my best friend had told me, I realized I may have a chance of getting out of this situation alive.


He told me how his friend Dream can make people fall asleep, which I found funny. It may save my life now seeing I should be able to to do that as well. Only problem was, I didn't know how.

My mind flickered back to few hours ago, the worst few minutes of my life. Seeing Bad hurt. It seemed so long ago now, however he was now doing way too good for how injured he had been. Too good. I was glad he was, yet it made me wonder, could it be me that healed him? If so, could the key to using my powers be in the memories?

I had to try.

I imagined May falling asleep as I remembered all the times she and I hung out. We would tall about how royal life was boring, well mostly me, or which type of food was our favorite. She genuinely seemed like a good person and only problem I had at that time was telling her how I only see her as a friend, friend and nothing else.

Distant yelling almost interrupted my concentration, but I didn't let it. I furrowed my eyebrows even harder trying to focus on my memories that had been replaying in my mind and, soon enough, the grasp on my arm had started to weaken. Remembering the knife in her other hand that used to be near my throat, I quickly grabbed it not wanting her to accidentally causing any wounds.

The sight for someone who just got here would've looked pretty weird and I couldn't help but laugh. A girl half laying on the ground, half up in the air due to me holding her hand. The knife sje had dropped was settled just close to my foot, too close for my liking. A few meters away, a guy was standing shocked still trying to comprehend what had happened.

I finally let go of May's hand placing her fully on the ground now. Turning my head to see my best friend once again, we made an eye contact making me smile as the happy tears filled my eyes. Unable to move anywhere, I was watching as Bad made his way to me getting closer with every step stopping right in front of me. Seconds felt like hours as we just stared into each other's eyes smiling like a bunch of idots when, finally, I regained the control of my Jody and hugged him.

He flinched a bit from my sudden action, but quickly relaxed melting into the hug. I couldn't let go, I didn't want to let go. The moment may have been filled with so many unspoken words and unexplainable feelings, yet it felt perfect to me. I was holding him in my arms once again after I thought it would never have been able to again, and that was all that mattered.

°~Karl's PoV~°

It has been way too long since I last saw anyone and I was starting to get worried. At first I thought that girl would've took Skeppy for only a few minutes like she did with me when I was firsty interrogated, yet it's been way too long. I didn’t know the boy for long, true, yet it never hurt to have a couple of friends in the prison.

My worry had only increased when I heard faint screaming coming from the direction I saw Skeppy go and I immediately shot up from my sitting position.

My anxiety was rising up and my heart was picking up a pace as I heard the screams coming closer and closer. My body froze not exactly knowing what to do.

"He has to be here somewhere!" I heard a way too familiar voice as fear and relief rushed through my body.

"Sapnap!" I yelled trying to get my friend's attention coming closer to the metal bars and wrapping my hand around them. Soon, I saw him running out of the smoke making his way to me with a huge smile on his face.

"Karl!" He tried to hug me through the bars embracing me into somewhat uncomfortable hug. "I thought I'd never see you again." I heard him sniffle and I pulled him even closer to me.

"Hate to ruin the moment, but we should go." A short brunette guy yelled from the smoke that was now clearer than before. I could even see another blond male, who was way taller than the first guy, fighting off some people.

"But how am I supposed to exit this... cell?" I asked assuming they hadn't taken any keys.

"Leave it to me." Sapnap smirked and winked at me finally letting go of the hug. It wasn't his first time he pulled off something like that and it always made me blush, but I knew I had to keep my composure.

Before I could even blink, on the place where Sapnap was standing was now a huge bear-like creature. I took a few steps back in fear trying to understand what had just happened.

The bear easily bent two metal bars making a small breach where I could easily pass through.

As he did that, the bear disappeared revealing tired Sapnap leaning against one of the bars.

"Come on, let's go!" He gave me his hand and I easily crawled out of the cell still unsure of what had I just witnessed.

"Hurry!" I heard the blond yelled at us before knocking out a few more people that were coming down the stairs. We rushed up the stairs, me following everyone else as I was still holding my friend's hand.

It wasn't long before I saw light, well not exactly light, more of the night sky and the moonlight. We exited through the cave entrance and I finally thought I was safe.

My happiness, however, hadn't lasted long.

"Dream, what are you doing?!" The brunette guy yelled causing me and Sapnap, who was still holding my hand, to turn our attention to the duo. The taller one, which I assumed was 'Dream', pinning the shorter one again the wall of the entrance with a knife on his throat.


Word count: 1057
16 Apr 2021

Sorry for the late update, I had a huge test today which I was studying for the last couple of days.

Also, it's kind of almost the end of the book and I feel sad, but hey
I might do another one
Really depends on my motivation
Can't promise it'll be Skephalo, maybe I'll even do my own characters
Maybe I even create a whole other profile for stories not related to fandoms

But it's all future and I still have this book, so I enjoy it before it ends c:

Love you all ♡

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